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Using DAM Indexing

This topic provides information about the indexing processes to make Digital Asset Management (DAM) a datasource for Search.

Initial indexing

This process indexes all existing assets when the DAM server starts and if there are no DAM indexes present in the OpenSearch middleware.


This process indexes all existing assets while revalidating stale indexes. There are two ways to trigger the reindexing process:

  • DAM API endpoint

    To start the reindexing process, trigger the POST endpoint named /reindex.

  • DXClient

    The following script is added in DXClient that triggers the reindexing process:

    dxclient trigger-dam-reindex [options]

    The following options are available:

    • dxProtocol - Protocol of the DX Core server.
    • hostname - Host name of the DX Core server.
    • dxPort - Port number of the DX Core server.
    • dxUsername - Username of the DX Core server.
    • dxPassword - Password of the DX Core server.
    • damAPIPort - Port number of the DAM API server.
    • damAPIVersion - API Version number of DAM.
    • ringAPIPort - Port number of the Ring API server.
    • ringAPIVersion - API Version number of Ring.
    • ltpaTokenRefreshTime (optional) - LTPA Token refresh time in minutes.
    • reportPath (optional) - Location of the file path to download report.
    • help (optional)

Live indexing

Any changes or events related to DAM assets trigger an indexing immediately. The live indexing process makes sure that DAM indexes are updated in near real-time. Creating, updating, and deleting assets are considered for live indexing.