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DAM Staging Mismatch and Resync

DAM Staging helps in syncing items between the publisher and subscriber. If there are any failures during the sync, the sync results to uneven assets between environments. This makes it difficult to find the discrepancies between environments just by browsing through them. A new feature called DAM Staging Mismatch and Resync is introduced in Digital Asset Management (DAM) which helps to find the discrepancies between the environments, view them in a detailed report, and perform resync to ensure the subscriber is in sync with the publisher.

During this mismatch find and resync process, it is a good practice to ensure no authoring happens on the publisher end.

Finding the DAM Staging mismatch

To trigger the staging mismatch process and download the report, refer to the following steps:

  1. Find the subscriber ID against which the mismatch needs to be checked. For the existing DX Client command that you can use to see subscriber details, refer to Get all subscribers details for DAM staging.
  2. Trigger the action to find the differences between the publisher and subscriber by using the Find staging mismatch command.

    • For the hostname attribute, use the publisher host name.
    • For the subscriber ID attribute, retrieve the subscriber ID by following Step 1.


    You can find discrepancies between a publisher and more than one subscriber. However, you can only run the action against one subscriber at a time.

  3. Verify the status of the mismatch operation. Check the resyncStatus field response (for example, FIND_MISMATCH_START, FIND_MISMATCH_COMPLETED, FIND_MISMATCH_FAILED) by executing the command in Get all subscribers details for DAM staging. If the status is FIND_MISMATCH_START, the find mismatch operation is still in progress. If the status is FIND_MISMATCH_COMPLETED or FIND_MISMATCH_FAILED, the find mismatch operation is finished.

  4. After the status is changed to FIND_MISMATCH_COMPLETED, download the report using DXClient.


    If the status is not FIND_MISMATCH_COMPLETED, you can still download the report but it is not accurate.

    If the report is not generated because data is not available, then both the publisher and subscriber are in sync. If they are not in sync, the report should contain the detailed information of mismatches found.

    If you want to rerun the process, you can delete the created staging mismatch report. This deletes the mismatch information for subscribers from the database.


    You can delete all the generated mismatch information or choose to delete only for a specific subscriber ID.

Resyncing DAM Staging environments

Resyncing of DAM Staging environments ensures the subscriber environment is in in sync with the publisher.

To trigger the DAM staging resync, refer to the following steps:

  1. Find the subscriber ID against which the resync needs to be done. For the existing DX Client command that you can use to see subscriber details, refer to Get all subscribers details for DAM staging.
  2. Trigger the action to start the resync between the publisher and subscriber by using the Staging Resync command.
    • For the hostname attribute, use the publisher host name.
    • For the subscriber ID attribute, retrieve the subscriber ID by following Step 1.
  3. Verify the status of the resync operation. Check resyncStatus field response (for example, RESYNC_TRIGGER_START, RESYNC_TRIGGER_COMPLETED, RESYNC_TRIGGER_FAILED) by executing the command in Get all subscribers details for DAM staging. If the status is RESYNC_TRIGGER_START, the resync process is still in progress. If the status is RESYNC_TRIGGER_COMPLETED or RESYNC_TRIGGER_FAILED, the resync process is finished.
  4. After the status is changed to RESYNC_TRIGGER_COMPLETED, it means that the background operations to perform the resync are created.


    The status RESYNC_TRIGGER_COMPLETED only means that resync operations have been created. Because these operations are asynchronous, it takes time for the system to be in sync.

  5. View the subscriber operations API to check if there are any operations still in progress. For more details about verification, refer to Verification.

Commands to trigger the identification of staging mismatches and resync

Find staging mismatch

Use the manage-dam-staging find-staging-mismatch command to trigger staging mismatch between the publisher and subscriber.

  • Command description

    You can trigger the staging mismatch between the publisher and the subscriber with the following command:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging find-staging-mismatch
  • Help command

    The following command shows the help information for manage-dam-staging find-staging-mismatch command usage:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging find-staging-mismatch -h
  • Command options

    Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -dxProtocol <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the host name of the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -hostname <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -dxPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the username that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -dxUsername <value> 

    Use this attribute to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher
    (default: ""):

    -dxPassword <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DAM server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -damAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DX Core API server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -ringAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DAM of the publisher (default: ""; default version is v1):

    -damAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DX Core of the publisher (default: ""; default version is v1):

    -ringAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the subscriber ID against which the find mismatch needs to be triggered:

    -subscriberId <value>
  • Commands:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging find-staging-mismatch -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <hostname> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -damAPIPort <damAPIPort> -ringAPIPort <ringAPIPort> -damAPIVersion <damAPIVersion> -ringAPIVersion <ringAPIVersion> -subscriberId <subscriberId>


    dxclient manage-dam-staging find-staging-mismatch -dxProtocol https -hostname -dxPort 443 -dxUsername xxxx -dxPassword xxxx -damAPIPort 443 -ringAPIPort 443 -damAPIVersion v1 -ringAPIVersion v1 -subscriberId 8c72ef60-e8d4-425d-903a-232bb8726222

Download mismatch report

Use the manage-dam-staging get-staging-mismatch-report command to download the staging mismatch report.

  • Command description

    You can download the report of staging mismatch with the following command:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging get-staging-mismatch-report
  • Help command

    The following command shows the help information for manage-dam-staging get-staging-mismatch-report command usage:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging get-staging-mismatch-report -h
  • Command options

    Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -dxProtocol <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the host name of the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -hostname <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -dxPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the user name that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -dxUsername <value> 

    Use this attribute to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher
    (default: ""):

    -dxPassword <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DAM server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -damAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DX Core API server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -ringAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DAM of the publisher (default: ""; default version is v1):

    -damAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DX Core of the publisher (default: ""; default version is v1):

    -ringAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the subscriber ID against which the mismatch is found:

    -subscriberId <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the record type (default: ""). Other possible values are COLLECTION, MEDIA_ITEM, RENDITION, VERSION, FAVORITE, KEYWORD, CUSTOM_URL, MEDIA_TYPE, MEDIA_TYPE_GROUP, RESOURCE, and PERMISSION:

    -recordType <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the record action (default: ""). Other possible values are CREATE, UPDATE, and DELETE:

    -recordAction <value>

    Use this attribute to specify a location store/folder_name/ that is different from the default location where the report is downloaded. The default location is store/outputFiles/:

    -reportPath <value>

    Set this attribute to true to download the mismatch report even if find mismatch process is not complete:

    -forceDownload <value>


    recordType, recordAction, reportPath and forceDownload are optional parameters.

    You cannot download the report during the following scenarios:

    • If resyncStatus is 'FIND_MISMATCH_START' or 'DYNAMIC_STATUS_COMPUTATION_REQUIRED', the message Report cannot be downloaded as Find staging mismatch is still in progress. is displayed.
    • If resyncStatus is 'FIND_MISMATCH_FAILED', the message Report cannot be downloaded as Find staging mismatch process failed. Try to execute find-staging-mismatch again to trigger the mismatch generation process and download report once it is done. is displayed.
    • If resyncStatus is 'RESYNC_TRIGGER_START' or 'RESYNC_TRIGGER_COMPLETED' or 'RESYNC_TRIGGER_FAILED', the message Please run find mismatch first before generating report logs. is displayed.
    • If subscriberId is not passed in command and all subscribers are not in resyncStatus 'FIND_MISMATCH_COMPLETED', the message Find mismatch is not completed for one or more subscribers. Please check the resync status for all subscribers before generating report logs. is displayed.
  • Commands:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging get-staging-mismatch-report -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <hostname> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -damAPIPort <damAPIPort> -ringAPIPort <ringAPIPort> -damAPIVersion <damAPIVersion> -ringAPIVersion <ringAPIVersion>


    dxclient manage-dam-staging get-staging-mismatch-report -dxProtocol https -hostname -dxPort 443 -dxUsername xxxx -dxPassword xxxx -damAPIPort 443 -ringAPIPort 443 -damAPIVersion v1 -ringAPIVersion v1

Delete staging mismatch

Use the manage-dam-staging delete-staging-mismatch command to delete staging mismatch logs.

  • Command description

    You can delete the staging mismatch found with the following command:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging delete-staging-mismatch
  • Help command

    The following command shows the help information for manage-dam-staging delete-staging-mismatch command usage:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging delete-staging-mismatch -h
  • Command options

    Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -dxProtocol <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the host name of the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -hostname <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -dxPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the user name that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -dxUsername <value> 

    Use this attribute to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher
    (default: ""):

    -dxPassword <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DAM server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -damAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DX Core API server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -ringAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DAM of the publisher (default: ""; default version is v1):

    -damAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DX Core of the publisher (default: ""; default version is v1):

    -ringAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the subscriber ID for which the mismatch needs to be deleted. If this field is not passed, then all the mismatch information will be deleted:

    -subscriberId <value>
  • Commands:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging delete-staging-mismatch -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <hostname> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -damAPIPort <damAPIPort> -ringAPIPort <ringAPIPort> -damAPIVersion <damAPIVersion> -ringAPIVersion <ringAPIVersion> -subscriberId <subscriberId>


    dxclient manage-dam-staging delete-staging-mismatch -dxProtocol https -hostname -dxPort 443 -dxUsername xxxx -dxPassword xxxx -damAPIPort 443 -ringAPIPort 443 -damAPIVersion v1 -ringAPIVersion v1 -subscriberId 8c72ef60-e8d4-425d-903a-232bb8726222

Staging resync

Use the manage-dam-staging start-staging-resync command to trigger DAM staging resync between the publisher and subscriber.

  • Command description

    You can trigger the staging resync between the publisher and the subscriber with the following command:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging start-staging-resync
  • Help command

    The following command shows the help information for manage-dam-staging start-staging-resync command usage:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging start-staging-resync -h
  • Command options

    Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -dxProtocol <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the host name of the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -hostname <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -dxPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the user name that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -dxUsername <value> 

    Use this attribute to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher
    (default: ""):

    -dxPassword <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DAM server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -damAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DX Core API server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -ringAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DAM of the publisher (default: ""; default version is v1):

    -damAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DX Core of the publisher (default: ""; default version is v1):

    -ringAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the subscriber ID against which the resync needs to be done:

    -subscriberId <value>
  • Commands:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging start-staging-resync -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <hostname> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -damAPIPort <damAPIPort> -ringAPIPort <ringAPIPort> -damAPIVersion <damAPIVersion> -ringAPIVersion <ringAPIVersion> -subscriberId <subscriberId>


    dxclient manage-dam-staging start-staging-resync -dxProtocol https -hostname -dxPort 443 -dxUsername xxxx -dxPassword xxxx -damAPIPort 443 -ringAPIPort 443 -damAPIVersion v1 -ringAPIVersion v1 -subscriberId 8c72ef60-e8d4-425d-903a-232bb8726222

Verifying if environments are in sync

In the subscriber environment, if there are any operations in "TODO", "PROCESSING", "SUCCESS", "READ", "RETRY", "WAIT" or "PENDING" status, it means that these operations are not yet complete. You must wait until all operations either complete or fail before verifying the resync. The existing DAM API endpoint can be checked in GET All DAM Operations. If no operation is tagged with "TODO", "PROCESSING", "SUCCESS", "READ", "RETRY", "WAIT" or "PENDING" status, you can verify the resync.

To verify if both the environments are in sync, perform the following steps.

  1. Trigger the DAM staging mismatch process. For more information, see Find staging mismatch.
  2. If the report is not generated due to unavailability of data, it means that both the publisher and subscriber are in sync.


  • Find staging mismatch compares tables between both publisher and subscriber. The maxRecordsToCompare value under configuration.digitalAssetManagement in Helm charts is the number of records picked up to compare at a single iteration. The recommended value is 1000, but you can tune the value for better performance.


  • The single point of truth is always the publisher. The report is read from the publisher's point of view and the details about the mismatch are stored in the publisher environment.
  • When the system finds discrepancies against more than one subscriber, the details stored in the publisher contain information about all subscribers. When generating the report, you can choose to download the details specific to one subscriber only or you can download the report containing all information for all subscribers selected.
  • If the data is modified or deleted after the find staging mismatch process is completed, then the report will not contain accurate information.
  • When identifying discrepancies, the system cannot detect items that are currently being staged. These items can be a part of the mismatch report.
  • Reports are downloaded as CSV files.


    If your values.yaml or custom-values.yaml file contains the following entries, remove them. The following values can be found under configuration of the digitalAssetManagement section in incubator.

  • Performing a resync is not supported for two-way staging (for example, a scenario where two environments are each other's publisher and subscriber). Performing resync on these environments will lead to loss of collections or assets from both the environments.

  • Before triggering the find mismatch operation, ensure there are no in progress staging operations. You can verify this by checking if there are any Operations in subscriber with triggerFunctions that begin with the text sync (for example, syncStagingCollectionContent, syncStagingPermissionResource, syncStagingDeletePermission, syncStagingCreatePermission, syncStagingFavoriteContent, syncStagingRenditionContent, syncStagingVersionContent, syncStagingMediaTypeContent, syncStagingMediaTypeGroupContent, syncStagingMediaContent etc) and with the following statuses: "TODO", "PROCESSING","READ", "RETRY", "WAIT", and "PENDING".
  • Before starting the resync process, ensure that there are no failed staging operations in the subscriber. Use the OperationController.find API in subscriber to verify operations that are in "FAILED" status and contain trigger functions that begin with the text sync. Currently, all failed operations are deleted after a certain interval.