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Defining project template approval settings

If you want a project to be reviewed before it is published, you must select at least one approver in the approval section.

  1. Select groups or users that have editor or viewer access for this section by default in any projects that are created by using this project template.

    You can choose to hide this section from projects that use this project template so that it is only visible to administrators and users who have viewer or editor access. If no editors or viewers are selected, all users have access to this section.

  2. Click Add to select the users that are responsible for reviewing the project.

  3. Define the approval requirements for the project:

    1. Select All Approvers if approval is needed by all approvers for the project to be ready to be published.

    2. Select Any Approver if approval is needed by only one approver for the project to be ready to be published.

  4. Select Require a comment from the approver if you want to enforce the recording of a comment when the project is approved.


The approvers that are selected here apply only to the project itself, not to the items added to the project. Item approval is defined separately on each item.