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Defining publish options for a project template

Define the default publish options for any projects that are created by using a project template.

Selecting editors and viewers for this section

Select groups or users that have edit or viewer access for this section by default in any projects that are created by using this project template.

You can choose to hide this section from projects that use this project template so that it is only visible to administrators and users who have viewer or editor access. If no editors or viewers are selected, all users have access to this section.

Publishing Methods

Select the default publishing method to be used by projects that are created by using this project template:

  • Date

    When Date is selected, all items are published as soon as all the items in the project reach a state of "pending" and the publish date that is selected in the project is reached. You can also click Publish in the project form before the date is reached, so long as all items in the project reach a state of "pending."

  • Manual

    When Manual is selected all items remain in a state of "pending" until the project is manually published by clicking Publish in the project form. The Publish button is not activated until all items in the project reach a state of "pending". Only users with editor access or higher to a project can publish a project.

  • Automatic

    When Automatic is selected all items are published as soon as all the items in the project reach a state of "pending."