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Defining content item properties

Specify the characteristics of the item that is generated from the content template, including the type of item to be created, where it can be saved and version control strategies.

  1. Select the type of content rendering to use:

    • Content rendering

      If you configure a content template to render content, then the content items that you create are standard content items. You can use these content items to store elements that can be rendered within presentation templates.

    • Resource rendering

      If you configure a content template to render a resource, when the content item is rendered, the file that is stored in the selected file resource element is rendered on the web page. No presentation template is used when the file is rendered, only the content of the file itself. The content item itself is still listed in navigational components such as menus and navigators. You must add a file resource element to your content template before you can select the resource template type. If you add more than one file resource element, you must select which element is displayed as the resource content item.

      The file resource is returned only when the item is resolved either from:

      • a component that returns query results such as a placeholder tag from the result design field of a menu, navigator, search, or personalization component.
      • a link that is generated by inserting a link and selecting content, or a link element or component that references the content.
  2. If you want to define a default presentation template for content items that use this content template, click Select Presentation Template to select an appropriate presentation template for different types of rendering.

    • Default Presentation Template: This presentation template is used to render a content item within a Web Content Viewer portlet.

      Important: Always select a default presentation template so that content items can always be rendered if no presentation template is mapped on the parent item.

    • Summary Presentation Template: This presentation template is used when the summary render mode is used to render a content item.

    • JSON Record Presentation Template: This presentation template is used when the JSON render mode is used to render a content item on mobile devices.
    • XML Document Presentation Template: This presentation template is used when the XML render mode is used to render a content item on mobile devices.
    • HTML Document Presentation Template: This presentation template is used when the HTML render mode is used to render a content item as a complete web page. If no valid template map in a content item exists for a content item that uses this content template, the default presentation template is used to render the content item.

    For more information about rendering modes see the topic named Rendering modes for web content in the Knowledge Center.

  3. To create a site area to store a new content item under, select Create Content under new Site Area. For example, if you create a content item that is named "yellow" and select the site area named "red" when first saving the content item, a new site area named "yellow" is also created under the site area named "red". The content item is saved under the new site area named "yellow" and the path to the content item is "red/yellow/yellow". If you create content with the Create Content under new Site Area option, then you are prevented from moving it. When this option is enabled, moves are not allowed.

  4. Select whether content created with this content template can be saved to any available site area or only to those site areas specified by the template author.


    Restricting the location of a content item applies only when a content item is first created. Location restriction does not apply when you move, copy, link, or restore a content item, or when you save a content item as a new item.

    • All available site areas

      Enable the content author to save a content item that is created from this template in any site area to which the author has access.

      To allow the content author to save the content to only one site area, select Allow only a single site area to be selected.

    • Selected site areas only

      Select specific site areas where the resulting content can be displayed. To select site areas, complete the following steps:

      1. Click Selected site areas only.
      2. Click Add.
      3. Select the site area that you want to include.
      4. Click OK.
      5. Select the saving option to be applied when the content author saves a content item that is created from this template:

        • Allow content item to be placed under a single site area only

          Restricts the content author to select only one of the site areas in the list when they save content.

        • Allow content to be placed under multiple site areas

          Enables the content author to select one or more site areas from the list when they save content.

        • No option

          Content is automatically saved to the site areas in the list, and the content author is not provided a choice when the content is saved.


    When you save content under multiple site areas, the content item is saved under the first site area in the list and then linked to the other site areas.

  5. Specify where new content created from this content template is listed by selecting one of the following options from the Placement of new content item field. The option that you select determines where the new content item is displayed in indexes and navigators.

    • First Child
    • Last Child
  6. Select whether to force a new item to be saved in the first workflow stage when you use "Save as" or not. If selected, users do not have a choice about where to save an item when they use "Save As". The new item is automatically saved in the first workflow stage.

  7. Select the type of version management to use when you create content with this content template:

    • Configured default

      The default version management setting is used.

    • Allow users to manually version on demand

      Users can create versions of content items.

    • Automatically version every update

      A new version of the content item is created each time the content item is saved.

    • Do not offer a manual version option, and do not version automatically

      Version management is disabled for content items that are based on this content template.