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Navigator element type examples

You can use navigator elements to display different sections of a site framework in different ways.

If a website is large and complex, a user can easily lose orientation. A breadcrumb allows the user to see the position of the current web page within the website and the logical path back to the highest level of the site framework. A breadcrumb does not provide the actual path that the user has traversed in the website; the Back button in the browser provides this. A breadcrumb is the orientation device that shows a user where the displayed web page fits within the site framework.

You use the following configuration settings to create a breadcrumb navigator:

Parameter Setting
Start Type Current site area
Include Start Yes
Ancestor Level All
Descendant Level None
Preceding siblings Level None
Next Siblings Level None
Show Top No
Show Content Yes
Expand navigator to display current site area No
Expand current navigator branch one level No
Highlight current site area or content using final navigator result design No

Site map navigators

A site map provides, at a glance, the framework of your site. A site map is a navigator component that displays that part of the site framework that you define.

To create a site map, the navigator is configured as follows:

Parameter Setting
Start Type Current Top Level Site Area
Include Start Yes
Ancestor Level None
Descendant Level 2 Levels
Preceding siblings Level None
Next Siblings Level None
Show Top No
Show Content No
Expand navigator to display current site area No
Expand current navigator branch one level No
Highlight current site area or content using final navigator result design No