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Adding a rich text element to a template

You add a rich text element to an authoring template when you want a section of HTML to be used by a set of items that use the same authoring template and you want your content authors to use a rich text editor to create and edit the HTML.

  1. Open or create an authoring template.

  2. Click Manage Elements.

  3. Select rich text as the element type.

  4. Enter a name. Do not use double-byte and non-ASCII characters.

  5. Enter a display title to use as the title of the element that is displayed in indexes and forms.

  6. If you create a text provider plug-in for a multi-locale site, you can also select the text provider and enter a key to look up a string from the selected text provider. The text provider displays a different display title for each language it is configured for. The text that is entered in the Display Title field is only used if an appropriate display title is not available from the selected text provider, or if the text provider is not available.

  7. Click OK. The rich text element is added to your form.

  8. Go to the Default Content tab.

  9. Go to the rich text element you added.

  10. Enter text in the rich text field, or do nothing if you want your content creators to enter text in the rich text field.

  11. Click properties to open the display properties of the element. This is where you define how the element is displayed on the item form.

    1. To display the element as a required field select Identify this as a required field.

    2. To hide a field on the content form from all users select Hide field. You must specify a default value if the field is a required field.


      Administrators and managers can choose to display hidden fields and elements in an item by clicking Show hidden fields.

    3. Type the number of characters to use in Field Width to set the size of the displayed field. If you leave this blank, the default field size is used.

    4. Type a number into the maximum or minimum characters or words fields to set limits on the number of characters or words a user can enter in a field.

    5. You can edit the default behavior of rich text elements.

      • Use stylesheet, hide fonts/size/color

        Select this option if you want the text style to be determined by a style sheet. Content creators cannot edit text properties such as fonts style, text size, and text color.

      • Limit image picker to library images

        Select this option to prevent content creators from inserting images from the file system. They can only select images that are stored as image components.

      • Disable source mode

        Select this option to prevent content creators from viewing the rich text editor in source mode.

      • Filter active content on save

        Select this option to prevent users from saving active content, such as scripts, in the rich text element.

    6. Select the users or groups you want to grant exclusive edit access to a field or element by clicking Add Editors.

    7. Select the users or groups you want to grant exclusive view access to a field or element by clicking Add Viewers.

    8. Type field-specific help into Field help text. This text is displayed near the element in the content form.

      If you create a text provider plug-in for a multi-locale site, you can also select the text provider and enter a key to look up a string from the selected text provider. The text provider displays a different help text for each language it is configured for. The text that is entered in the Field help field is used if an appropriate help text is not available from the selected text provider, or if the text provider is not available.

    9. You can also select to use either the default rich text editor of the authoring portlet, or a third-party rich text editor as the rich text editor for a rich text element:

      • Portlet default editor

        If selected, the default rich text editor of the current authoring portlet is used. If the default editor is not available, the standard rich text editor is used.

      • Custom

        Selecting Custom allows the use of a 3rd-party rich text editor as your default editor. Before you use a compatible third-party rich text editor, read the installation and configuration instructions of the third-party rich text editor. These should include instructions for enabling the third-party rich text editor to be used in a Web Content Manager solution.

        When you configure a third-party rich text editor, you need to copy a JSP file that is supplied by the third-party rich text editor. This is used to start the third-party rich text editor. You enter the name of this JSP file in the Rich Text Options section of the authoring portlet configuration.

        If the third-party rich text editor is not available, the default rich text editor of the authoring portlet is used. If the default editor is not available, the standard rich text editor is used.

        Storing JSP files: JSP files are stored within a web application that runs on the portal. To reference a JSP file in another web application, use the following path: contextPath;jspPath. For example: /wps/customapplication;/jsp/jspFilename.jsp.

        A dynamic context path value can be defined by adding a token to the context path that corresponds to a key and value pair to the Web Content Manager configuration service environment provider. When this key is used as the token in the jsp value field, it is replaced dynamically at render time. For example: [my.custom.key];myfile where my.custom.key is a constant within the Web Content Manager configuration service.

  12. Save the authoring template.