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Adding elements to an item

You add elements to site areas, content items, page items, and authoring templates to store web content specific to those items.

To add, remove or edit elements, click Manage Elements from the toolbar of a site area, content item, page item, or authoring template form.

  • To add an element:

    1. Select an element type.

    2. Enter a name. Do not use double-byte and non-ASCII characters.

    3. Enter a display title to use as the title of the element displayed indexes and forms.

    4. If you create a text provider plug-in for a multi-locale site, you can also select the text provider and enter a key to look up a string from the selected text provider. The text provider displays a different display title for each language it is configured for. The text that is entered in the Display Title field is only used if an appropriate display title is not available from the selected text provider, or if the text provider is not available.

    5. Click Add.

  • To remove an element, click delete icon.

  • To copy an element, click copy icon.

    1. Enter a name. Do not use double-byte and non-ASCII characters.

    2. Enter a display title to use as the title of the element displayed indexes and forms.

    3. Click Add.

  • To edit an element, click edit icon. Changing an element type might result in lost data from an existing element. Click Update to save any changes.

  • Use the arrows to change the order that the elements appear in an item form.


Do not overuse elements in a single item. The more elements that you add to an item, the longer it takes to open in the authoring portlet.