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Items used by a page component

Each page component uses a basic set of templates, components, and content items. When a content author adds a page component to a page, copies of the items that are used by the page component are created.

Authoring templates

The authoring template that is associated with your page component is created under this folder: Your Library > Authoring Templates > Your Page Component

The authoring template that is stored under this folder is also named after Your Page Component and is used to store the content created by the content author.

Presentation templates

The presentation template that is associated with your page component is created under this folder: Your Library > Presentation Templates > Your Page Component

The presentation template that is stored under this folder is also named after Your Page Component and is used to switch the rendering mode of the teaser between Read and Edit modes.

Content items

The content item that is associated with the design elements of your page component is created under this site area: Your Library > Content > Page Components > Your Page Component

The content item that is stored under this site area is also named after Your Page Component and is used to store the content created by the content author.


The localized text that is associated with your page component is stored in another content item created under this site area: Your Library > Content > Localizations > Your Page Component

The content item that is stored under this site area is also named after Your Page Component and stores the localized text associated with your page component.


The components that are associated with your page component are created under this folder: Your Library > Components > Your Page Component

A component that is named Styles: Your Page Component is generated under this folder. This component stores the CSS styles that are used by your page component.

Other components specific to a particular page component are also stored under this folder.