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Tag Center

You can use the tag center to search for resources tagged with specific tags.

For example, if you select the tag HCL from the tag cloud, the Tag Result List portlet shows resources that have been tagged with the tag HCL. You can narrow and widen your search by using the appropriate features.

You can get to the tag center by doing one of the following:

  • Selecting the Tag Center from the portal menu bar.
  • Selecting the option Browse tags from the context menu of a page or portlet. The tag result list then shows all resources that have been tagged with at least one of the tags that was applied to the resource from which you selected the Browse tags option.

  • Tag cloud
    The portal provides a tag cloud for aggregating tags for multiple resources. You can select tags from the tag cloud. The Tag Results portlet then lists resources to which users have applied the tags that you selected.

  • Tag results list
    The Tag Results portlet shows a list of resources that have been tagged with the tags that you selected from the cloud.