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Tag cloud

The portal provides a tag cloud for aggregating tags for multiple resources. You can select tags from the tag cloud. The Tag Results portlet then lists resources to which users have applied the tags that you selected.

By default the tag cloud has the tags ordered alphabetically, except in the Recent tags view, where they are ordered with the most recently applied tags appearing first. Font sizes visualize how often users have applied the tag within a defined scope. The larger the font of a tag is, the more users have applied it.

When using the tag cloud, you can select from the following options:

  • Select the option to view the tags in a cloud view or in a list view. Depending on your choice, use the following user interface controls for adjusting the tag view as required:

    • In the cloud view determine whether you want to view more or fewer tags by moving the slider.
    • In the list view use the pagination controls to scroll through the listed tags.
  • Select from the available tag cloud views to filter what is displayed in the tag cloud:

    • Select the All tags view to show all tags available in the portal.
    • Select the Others’ tags view to show the most assigned public tags in the currently selected scope.
    • Select the HCL Connections tags view to show public tags from remote systems.
    • Select the Recent tags view to show only the most recently created public tags. The Recent tags view shows the tags ordered with the most recently applied tags appearing first, not in alphabetical order.
    • Select the My public tags view to show the public and private tags that you have assigned.
    • Select the My private tags view to show only the private tags that you have assigned. By default, only the All tags and My public tags views are enabled. You can enable other views by using the Edit Shared Settings mode.
  • If your administrator has enabled scopes for the tag cloud, you can select between different scopes. Scopes can be preconfigured by your administrator, or they can be transmitted by other portlets on the same page. For example, you might be able to scope the tag cloud to show you only pages, portlets, or other resources, depending on the configuration made by your administrator.

  • Configuring the tag cloud
    Administrators can configure the Tag Cloud portlet. You can configure each individual tag cloud portlet instance separately. To do this, use the Edit Shared Settings option from the portlet menu.