Accessing list-rendering attributes and list properties

To generate your list designs with Digital Data Connector (DDC) for HCL Portal, you can access individual list-rendering context attributes and list properties.

When you set a new list-rendering context, you can use the attribute parameter to add arbitrary name-value pairs to that list-rendering context. You can then extract these name-value pairs from the list-rendering context at other places by using the [Plugin:ListRenderingContext action="getAttribute"] tag. If you use this technique in nested contexts, it always addresses the currently active list-rendering context. For example, you can establish a list-rendering context such as the following one:

[Plugin:ListRenderingContext action="set" extension-id="ibm.portal.ddc.xml"
   attribute="myKey=myValue" compute=“always“]

If you do so, you can retrieve the values for the source and myValue properties later in the design as follows:

[Plugin:ListRenderingContext action="getAttribute" key="source"]
[Plugin:ListRenderingContext action="getAttribute" key="myKey"]

You can use this mechanism to pass information from a parent list-rendering context into a nested list-rendering context. After a nested list-rendering context has been established, information from the parent list-rendering context is not available via the [AttributeResource] tag. Therefore, when you set a nested list-rendering context, you can make parent attributes available to the nested context as follows:

[Plugin:ListRenderingContext action="set" extension-id="ibm.portal.ddc.xml"
     attribute="source=[AttributeResource key=“catalogItemDetailsLink“]
     attribute="myKey=[AttributeResource key=“catalogItemFromParentContext“]“ 

You can also use the [Plugin:ListRenderingContext] plug-in to access individual list properties that are based on the information that is loaded by the addressed DDC plug-in. You do so by specifying the value getListProperty for the action parameter. Example: To retrieve the list property nextLink from the bean list that is loaded for the current list-rendering context, use the following tag:

[Plugin:ListRenderingContext action="getListProperty" key="nextLink"]

When you write list-rendering context attributes or bean list properties to the markup, you can use the parameters format, separator, and escape to control the transformation into markup:

  • The format and separator parameters work the same way as they do with the [AttributeResource] tag. For more information, read Setting the list-rendering context.
  • To conform to the surrounding markup type, you can use the escape parameter to escape the string that the plug-in returns. Supported values are xml, json, javascript, and none.