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Dynamic list-rendering contexts

The Digital Data Connector (DDC) for HCL Portal makes it possible to dynamically set or modify the list-rendering context. For this purpose, it supports a defined set of public render parameters.

The Web Content Viewer portlet registers these parameters. This registration makes read and write access to these parameters possible in two ways:

  • Developers can read or write the parameters through the public portal API.
  • Website designers can read or write the parameters through the render parameter and the render URL plug-in tags.

Digital Data Connector plug-ins can access the current values of these parameters by using the Java interface. This interface is defined by the public Digital Data Connector API.

The following public render parameters are defined by Digital Data Connector:

  • sources

    The namespace is

    The identifier is sources.

  • filters

    The namespace is

    The identifier is filters.

  • sorting

    The namespace is

    The identifier is sorting.

The values of the public render parameters need to adhere to the URI syntax. For more information, read the RFC 2396 URI Generic Syntax. It is good practice that Digital Data Connector plug-ins use the URI scheme identifier to determine whether a specific parameter value is ignored or recognized. The specified DDC public render parameters are interpreted by the DDC plug-in that establishes the corresponding list-rendering context. To learn about support parameter values, read the documentation of the DDC plug-in that you use.

For example, the social rendering DDC plug-in makes it possible to set a dynamic search term filter for social lists. You do so by setting the public render parameter filters to the value sr:searchterm:searchterm. Replace searchterm by the actual search term that you want to use for filtering the bean list. The social rendering DDC plug-in processes only filters parameters that are defined in the URI scheme sr, in other words, it ignores all filters parameters that do not start with a sr: prefix.

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