The portlet plug-in

Use the Portlet rendering plug-in to add portlet information to your web content. This plug-in provides access to the instance of the Web Content Viewer portlet that renders the plug-in. The Portlet rendering plug-in uses the following attributes:

  • key

    Use this attribute to specify portlet information that you want to insert into your web content. You can select one of the following values for each portlet plug-in tag:

    • namespace

      If you specify this value, the plug-in renders the namespace of the portlet window of the Web Content Viewer portlet instance.

    • portletMode

      If you specify this value, the plug-in renders the current portlet mode of the Web Content Viewer portlet instance.

    • preferences

      If you specify this value, the plug-in accesses the portlet preferences of the Web Content Viewer portlet instance. If you use this value, you must also specify the additional preference attribute that is listed later to identify the specific portlet preference that you want to render.

    • windowID

      If you specify this value, the plug-in renders the portlet window ID of the Web Content Viewer portlet instance.

    • windowState

      If you specify this value, the plug-in renders the current portlet window state of the Web Content Viewer portlet instance.

  • preference

    Use this attribute to identify the portlet preference of the Web Content Viewer portlet instance to render. If you use the preferences value that is listed earlier, you must specify this attribute.

  • separator

    This attribute is optional. Use this attribute to specify the delimiter that you want to use when you render portlet preferences that have more than one value. If you do not set this attribute, the portal places a comma between the individual preference values when it renders them.


The Portlet rendering plug-in does not render the content that you can specify between the start and end tags.


  • To add the ID of the portlet window that renders the Portlet rendering plug-in to your web content, use the following plug-in tag:

    [Plugin:Portlet key="windowID"]
  • To add the values of the portlet preference with the name xyz to your web content, use the following plug-in tag:

    [Plugin:Portlet key="preferences" preference="xyz" separator=";"]