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Rendering state plug-ins

Rendering state plug-ins are used with the current rendering state. These topics contain additional information for some of these plug-ins.

Table of Contents:

The render parameter plug-in
Use the RenderParam rendering plug-in to access public and private render parameters from your web content.

The render URL plug-in
Use the RenderURL rendering plug-in to create URLs that set or remove render parameters.

The request attribute plug-in
Use the RequestAttribute rendering plug-in to retrieve, set, or remove attributes on the underlying request.

Request parameter plug-in
Use the RequestParameter to print out a specified request parameter.

The resource URL plug-in
Use the ResourceURL rendering plug-in to add query parameters to URLs and to generate URLs to resources that you want to serve through the HCL Portal Ajax proxy.

The session attribute plug-in
Use the SessionAttribute rendering plug-in to retrieve, set, or remove attributes from the portlet or servlet session. When you access the portlet session, you can also specify the scope of the session attributes as either application or portlet scope.

The Page mode rendering plug-in
Use the PageMode rendering plug-in to write web content, depending on the mode of a portal page, for example EDIT, HELP, INFO mode.

The Toolbar state rendering plug-in
Use the ToolbarState rendering plug-in to retrieve the state of the site toolbar that is provided with the Portal 8.0 theme.