The Page mode rendering plug-in

Use the PageMode rendering plug-in to write web content, depending on the mode of a portal page, for example EDIT, HELP, INFO mode.

This plug-in uses the following attribute:

  • pageMode

    Use this attribute to specify the name of the page mode for which you want to check. If the specified page mode is active, this plug-in renders the content between the plug-in opening and closing tags.


  • To render the content between the opening and the closing tag only if the page is in EDIT mode, use the following plug-in tag:

    [Plugin:PageMode pageMode="EDIT"]   
       This markup is rendered only if the current page is in edit mode. 
  • To render the content between the opening and the closing tag only if the page is in HELP mode, use the following plug-in tag:

    [Plugin:PageMode pageMode="HELP"]    
       This markup is rendered only if the current page is in help mode.  
  • To render the content between the opening and the closing tag only if the page is in INFO mode, use the following plug-in tag:

    [Plugin:PageMode pageMode="INFO"]    
       This markup is rendered only if the current page is in info mode.  