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Filtering items displayed in an index

Large websites contain large numbers of items. You can filter the items that are displayed within an index by using the filter feature.

  1. Click the Filter action with the attribute type to filter a view.

  2. Click Add a filter to add a filter parameter.

    • Filter by item type:

      • Select an item type.
      • Select to view either all items, items that are checked out or only items that are not checked out.
    • Filter by title:

      • Select a condition.
      • Enter text to filter with.
    • Filter by status:

      • Select either draft, published, or expired.
    • Filter by last saved date:

      • Select the appropriate filter parameter.
      • Enter a date or date range.


      When you use the "Before" or "After" parameters, the selected date is included in the date filter. When you use the "Between" parameter, both dates are included in the search filter.

    • Filter by author:

      • Select the authors to filter by.
  3. Click OK.

  4. To stop filtering an index, clear the filter.