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Managing Content Items

This section provides the steps on how to manage content items using the HCL Content Composer.


Content Composer should be installed and configured to HCL Digital Experience 9.5 container release update CF181 or higher. See instructions to install to supported container environments in the Install HCL Digital Experience 9.5 Components topic.

Content Composer is accessible from the Practitioner Studio interface (after image configuration to your HCL Digital Experience 9.5 CF181 and higher deployment).

Before you can use AI-assistance features for sentiment analysis of content, keyword extraction from content, and auto summarization of content element in Content Composer, refer to the following steps to enable AI Analysis:

For instructions on how to use the AI-assistance features, see Web Content Manager REST V2 APIs for AI content analysis.

Viewing Content overview

Content users can view a light preview of uploaded content and more using HCL Content Composer.

  1. Access the content item you want to edit. In this example, the content item example above (Image) is obtained from Web Content > Content > Articles site area location. Select Open Content.

  2. On the content item editor interface, select the More drop down as shown below and select Overview.

  3. The light preview of the selected content will be shown in a new window. It will display:

    • Content title
    • Content type
    • For images, a preview of the content in its original size; and
    • Published link of the content
  4. User can also add a preview image of the content file. In Edit Mode, user can select Show hidden content and Upload using file browser or HCL DAM the preview image file.

  5. When done, select Save to save your settings and create your new content. You can also select Save and Close to create your new content with the saved settings and keywords. The Save and Close option redirects you to the new content's location in the Content Composer dashboard.

Editing Content item

  1. Log in to your HCL Digital Experience 9.5 platform, and select Web Content from the Practitioner Studio navigator.

    Log in to HCL Digital Experience 9.5

  2. Select Web Content menu option to access the HCL Digital Experience 9.5 Content Composer interface.

  3. From the Content Composer interface, navigate through the preset folders and access the content item you want to edit. In this example, the content item example (HCL Article) is obtained from Web Content > Content > Articles site area location. Select Edit.

    Editing the content item

  4. Click the Save button or the drop-down to Save and Close in the upper right of the interface to save your completed content edits.

Editing Content item with AI-assistance features

Using AI-assisted content generation in Content Composer

Refer to the Prerequisites section for instructions on configuring AI-assistance features.

  1. From the Content Composer interface, navigate through the preset folders and access the content item you want to edit. In this example, the content item example (HCL Article with AI-assistance) is obtained from Web Content > Content > Articles site area location. Select Edit.

    Editing the content item

  2. You can use the AI-assisted content generation features when editing content items:

    • Auto-summarization of content element

      Click the Generate button in the Description field. The generated description is be based on the content provided in the content element. The generated description replaces any existing description, if present.

      Generate summary

    • Keyword extraction from content

      Click the Generate button in the Keywords field. The extracted keywords are based on the content provided in the content item. The AI-generated keywords will not overwrite the existing keywords but will append to it.

      Generate keywords

    • Sentiment analysis of content

      Click the Analyze Sentiment icon located in the lower right corner of the text element. A sentiment analysis result is returned based on the analysis of the content of the text element. The sentiment analysis result is represented by an icon in the Body field. Click the icon to see more details about the sentiment analysis result.

      Sentiment analysis

      When in Read Only mode, sentiment analysis is still enabled.

      Sentiment analysis read only

  3. Click the Save button or the drop-down to Save and Close in the upper right of the interface to save your completed content edits.

Moving Content item

Content users can move a content item to another location.

  1. Access the content item you want to move. In this example, the content item in the following example is obtained from Web Content > Content > Articles location. Click the icon to select the content item. After selecting the content item, click the Move icon on the header.

    Select Content Item to Move

  2. A location selector appears. Pick the location (site area or portal page) to move the content to. After selecting, click the Move button to move the content item.

    Select a location and click Move

Copying Content item

Content users can copy a content item to another location.

  1. Go to the content item you want to copy. In the following example, the content item is obtained from Web Content > Content > Articles location. Click the icon to select the content item and then click the Copy icon on the header.

    Select Content Item to Copy

  2. A location selector appears. Select the location (site area or portal page) you want to copy the content to. After selecting, click the Copy button to copy the content item.

    Select a location and click Copy

Renaming Content item when there is conflict during move or copy

Content users can rename a content item during moving or copying when there is another content with the same name in the selected location.

  1. A Save As modal appears when a user tries to move or copy a content item in a location that has a content item with the same name. An auto-generated name and a display title are suggested.

    Save as content item during moving conflict

  2. Click See All Locations under Location to change the preferred location to move or copy the content item. A location selector appears where you can select the site area or portal page you want to save the content to.

    Select a location and click Move/Copy

  3. After finalizing the name, display title, and location, click the Save button to save the content item in the selected location.

    Select Content Item to Move/Copy

Adding Comments


Content authors can only add comments if they have already added a workflow in the Content.

  1. Follow the steps in creating new content from HCL Content Composer, then set a workflow that allows adding comments in the Content, for example the Three Stage Workflow. After adding the workflow, click the save and close button.

    Select workflow and enable Entering comments

  2. Open the content that has been created and click the Comments tab located on the right side navigation.

Click Comment tab

  1. Add a comment in the text field box as shown below. Click Send to submit your comment. Note that the Comments text field box does not have any text and character limit.

Add comment and click Send

  1. The newly added comment will be displayed at the top.

New comment added

Please note that other content authors can also add comments in the newly-created content.

Viewing and filtering a Content's workflow comments

Content authors will be able to view and filter comments in HCL Content Composer once content has been moved through workflow stages and Enter comment on approval is enabled.

  1. Follow the steps in creating new content from HCL Content Composer, then set a workflow in which entering comment on approval is enabled. In the example below, the Three Stage Workflow is selected.

Select workflow and enable Entering comment on approval

  1. Open the content and move the workflow to the preferred stage and add a comment. In the example below, Next stage - Publish is selected and a comment is added.

    Move workflow to preferred stage and add comment

  2. Once the action is completed, the Comments icon will now be available on the right-side navigation. Click Comments to see the workflow comments.

    View selected Content's comments

  3. Click the dropdown button to filter the workflow comments according to time period as shown below. In this example, selecting Today will display all comments made on the current date.

    Filter selected Content's comments

Saving updates of a Content item as a new Content item

Content authors can save the updates of a content item as a new content item in the current location or in a different location.

  1. Access the content item you want to save as a new content item. In this example, the content item example below (Image) is obtained from Web Content > Content > Articles site area location. Click the icon to select the content item. Once selected, click the Edit icon on the header.

    Select a content and edit it

  2. Select Save As to save the content as a new content item.

    Click Save As

  3. A dialog appears to show the generated name, display title, and the current location. You can edit the name, display title, or select a different location.

    Save As Modal

  4. Click the Save button to save the content as a new content item.

    Click Save button

  5. The editor loads the new content item.

    Save As New Content