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Web Content Manager search service

The HCL Web Content Manager search service (WCM SearchService) defines settings that control how web content is crawled and indexed for searching.

  • SearchService.DateFormatString

    Indicates the date format to use when entering dates in search forms and for displaying search results. Enter a supported Java date format string. If this property is not set, then the default format is MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss z.

    Default value: None

  • SearchService.RecrawlInterval

    Indicates the interval in hours between crawling of new web content search sources.

    Default value: 4

  • SearchService.BrokenLinksExpirationAge

    Indicates the expiration age in days for broken links in new web content search sources.

    Default value: 1

  • SearchService.MetaFields

    Specifies additional elements to crawl when searching for metadata. The format for this property is elementName,key1. To specify more than one metadata field maps, use the following format: elementName1,key1;elementName2,key2;elementName3,key3. For example: metaText,meta.

    • elementName is the name of element you want to search for metadata. Any valid element with that name in a searchable site area or content item will be crawled.
    • key is the "key" that is specified in an element tag used as part of a search element design. In the previous example, the key of meta has been used. To render the content of the metaText element in a search element design, you would use the following tag: <Element context="autoFill" type="content" key="meta"/>.


    • Only text elements and short text elements can be searched.
    • Only site areas that have been configured to be searchable will be crawled.

    Default value: None

  • SearchService.SearchSeed.ExcludeFileAttachments

    Indicates whether resource component attachments are included in the search results. If this property is set to false, the files stored in file resource elements in content items can also be searched. Files stored in file resource elements in a site area can also be searched as long as a default content item has been selected.

    Default value: false

  • SearchService.SearchSeed.excludeExtensions

    Set this to a list of file name extensions that you want to exclude from search results. Separate each item in the list with a comma. Any file resource component attachments and file resource element attachments that have these extensions are excluded from search results. For example, SearchService.SearchSeed.excludeExtensions=avi,mpeg,zip.

    Default value: None

  • SearchService.DefaultResultPageSize

    Specifies the default number of items displayed per page for new web content search components.

    Default value: 10

  • SearchService.Siapi.IIOP_URL

    The IIOP URL created for the default search service.

    Default value: None

  • SearchService.Siapi.EJB

    The EJB name for the JNDI associated with the default search service.

    Default value: None

  • SearchService.Siapi.SOAP_URL

    The SOAP URL created for the default search service.

    Default value: None

  • SearchService.Siapi.PSE.Type

    The type of search service used for the default search service.

    Default value: None

  • SearchService.DefaultCollectionName

    The default web content search collection created during installation.

    Default value: WebContentCollection

  • SearchService.DefaultSeedPageSize

    Specifies the number of items displayed per page for the HCL Web Content Manager search seed servlet.

    Default value: 200