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Creating content with sample web content template items

To illustrate how page templates, web content viewers, and content associations work together, HCL Web Content Manager provides sample web content. The sample content includes examples of web content template pages and predefined portlets that you can add to pages to render content.

In addition to examining how these rendering pieces are defined, you can also explore the web content libraries that contain the sample content.


If you want to customize the sample web content that HCL Digital Experience provides, create copies of the sample web content libraries and customize those copies.

  • Adding sample content with the site toolbar
    The sample content that is provided with the portal includes four pre-configured content items that you can add to a page from the site toolbar. Dragging one of these items into a page automatically creates a copy of the item and adds the copy to the page. The predefined content items are available in the site toolbar in the Web Content category of the Create Content tab.
  • Creating content with the Articles template page
    The sample content that is provided with HCL Web Content Manager includes a web content template page that is called Articles. This template page demonstrates how you can build pages with predefined content.
  • Adding the Articles template page to a virtual portal
    By default, virtual portals do not contain the Articles template page. To use the Articles template page in a virtual portal, follow the procedure given here.
  • CSS styles used by the sample web content template items
    The markup that is generated by the sample web content template items is primarily controlled by presentation templates that are stored in the Web Content Templates 3.0 library. These templates rely on the availability of several CSS class definitions in the wp_oob_sample_styles theme module.
  • Adding the sample web content libraries in the authoring portlet
    The templating sample content that is provided with HCL Digital Experience is delivered in two web content libraries: Template Page Content 3.0 and Web Content Templates 3.0. You can use these libraries and their content as a starting point for working with web content page templates and developing your own templates.
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