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How to use REST with Web Content Manager to Purge Deleted Content Items

This API allows for the permanent removal of deleted content items.


The APIs to Purge Deleted Content items is available for HCL Digital Experience 9.5 CF192 and higher releases.

Using the Purge Deleted Content Items API

  • Endpoint

    POST request to:

    <http://host:port/wps/mycontenthandler/wcmrest/purgeItem/{UUID of deleted item to be purged}/>

    Sample URL:

  • Expected Body

    Body should consist of basic WCM structure:

                        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?/>
                        <feed xmlns="" xmlns:wcm=""/>
  • Expected Headers

    LTPA token of the user.

  • Return body

    On a success, the response code will be 201 and the body of the response will consist of a single json entry, purgeStatus, with fields containing the uuid of the purged item and the status of the purge to confirm that it has succeeded.


        "purgeStatus": {
            "uuid": "0988c73c-38df-41bc-9fd4-0e20e8957600",
            "status": "Successfully purged"

    If the purge fails because the deleted item was not found, the response code will be 404 and the body of the response will be a list of error messages in json.

        "errors": {
            "message": [
                    "lang": "en",
                    "text": "Deleted item could not be found."