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REST Item Types

These item types are supported by the Web Content Manager REST service.

Level of support

  • Basic

    Basic support means that the create, read, update operations operate only on those fields that are common to all items. This includes fields such as name, title, description, text providers, and workflow.

  • Item Specific

    Item Specific support means that the item type has support for fields beyond those fields common to all item types. For example, the element on a content item can be accessed, or the HTML element in an HTML component can be modified. Not all fields in each item type are handled.

Item type Support level
Authoring Tools Component Basic
Category Item Specific
Content Template Item Specific
Content Item Specific
Custom Workflow Action Item Specific
Date Component / Date Element Item Specific
Email Action Item Specific
Expire Action Item Specific
File Component / File Element Item Specific
Folder Item Specific
HTML Component / HTML Element Item Specific
Image Component / Image Element Item Specific
JSP Component / JSP Element Item Specific
Link Component / Link Element Item Specific
List Presentation Component Basic
Menu Component Basic
Navigator Component Basic
Numeric Component / Numeric Element Item Specific
Page Navigation Component Basic
Personalization Component Basic
Portal Page Item Specific
Presentation Template Item Specific
Project Template Item Specific
Project Item Specific
Publish Action Item Specific
Reference Component / Reference Element Item Specific
Scheduled Move Action Item Specific
Search Component Basic
Short Text Component / Short Text Element Item Specific
Site Area Template Item Specific
Site Area Item Specific
Stylesheet Component Item Specific
Taxonomy Item Specific
Text Component / Text Element Item Specific
User Selection Component / User Selection Element Item Specific
Username Component Basic
Version Action Item Specific
Workflow Stage Item Specific
Workflow Item Specific