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Configuring DX Search

End users of a Digital Experience (DX) site expect to see a Search box to find relevant information fast. To provide this functionality to users, administrators and engineers can choose from using DX Search or a third party search technology. This topic provides the steps to set up and configure DX Search, HCL DX's own search service.

Note that this document is sufficient to get started with DX search, but supplemental resources are required if you plan to set up DX Remote search.

The following image outlines the steps to set up and configure DX Search based on the environment and search needs.

flowchart TB
  accTitle: Steps in DX Helm installation.
  accDescr: Flowchart showing the mandatory and optional steps in DX Helm installation.
  node_2{{"DX Search required?"}}
  node_4{{"Portal cluster?"}}
  node_6(["Start with Default Search Collection"])
  node_7(["Install #amp; Configure Remote Search Service"])
  node_8{{"Process documents such as PDFs?"}}
  node_9(["Create Search Collection"])
  node_10(["Install #amp; Configure Remote Document Conversion Services"])
  node_11(["Delete Default Search Collection and Local Search Service"])
  node_12(["Create Content Sources (Crawlers)"])
  node_13(["Create JCR Collection and Content Source"])
  node_14{{"Web Content Management Authoring Search?"}}
  node_1 --> node_2
  node_1 --> node_14
  node_2 --"No"--> node_11
  node_2 --"Yes"--> node_4
  node_6 -. "Optionally" .-> node_9
  node_4 --"Yes"--> node_7
  node_4 --"No"--> node_6
  node_7 --> node_8
  node_8 --"No"--> node_9
  node_8 --"Yes"--> node_10
  node_10 --> node_11
  node_9 --> node_12
  node_12 --> node_13
  node_14 --"Yes"--> node_13

  style node_2 fill:#BFC6FF, color:#fff
  style node_4 fill:#BFC6FF, color:#fff
  style node_8 fill:#BFC6FF, color:#fff
  style node_14 fill:#BFC6FF, color:#fff

End users expect search functionality on every website that provides the information they need. Search services index the information on the site and allow your users to find the right information quickly.

There is a search component available with HCL DX that is free and well-integrated with the data generated by HCL DX.

If available, you can use a license for a third party search software. Consult the third party provider's documentation on support and integration with HCL DX for further details.

If you opt to not use DX Search, you can remove its configuration and resources. However, still note the disclaimer in Integrating your own search engine on related to having search available for content authors and editors.

Refer to the following topics for more information: