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The wp.layoutModel provides access to the tree model representation of the layout of a page.


  • children(node)

    Returns an iterator of child nodes.


    <c:forEach var="node" items="${wp.layoutModel.children[wp.identification[wp.selectionModel.selected]]}">


    • node

      Identifiable, or NavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: An iterator with NavigationNode objects; it is never null.

  • get(id)

    Get the layout model for a navigation node or navigation node ID.


    The following example displays getting the layout model for the currently selected node from the selection model. The second line retrieves the children of the root mode of the layout model.

    <c:set var="layoutmodel" value="${wp.layoutModel[wp.selectionModel.selected]}"/>
    <c:set var="containers" value="${layoutmodel.children[layoutmodel.root]}"/>


    • id

      String or identifiable object of the navigation object; must not be null.

    Returns: LayoutModel for the navigation node. Can be null.

  • hasChildren

    Determines whether the specified NavigationNode has associated nodes.




    • node

      Identifiable, or NavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: Boolean; true if the node has children. Otherwise, it is false.

  • parent

    Access to the parent of a NavigationNode.




    • node

      Identifiable or NavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: LayoutNode; the parent node for the node if there is a parent. Otherwise, it is null.

  • path(node)

    Provides access to the path information for the node. The path represents the hierarchy from the root to the give node as a list. It is like a breadcrumb.


    <c:forEach var="node" items="${wp.layoutModel.path[wp.selectionModel.selected]}">
        &lt;- ${node}


    • node

      Identifiable or NavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: a list of LayoutNodes representing the path from the root to the node.

  • root

    Returns the root node of the layout model.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: NavigationNode; it is never null.