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Modules that are provided with the modularized theme

HCL Digital Experience provides a set of ready-to-use modules.

Use these dependency guidelines when you add and remove modules from your profile:

  • If you add a module that requires another module that is in not in the profile, the automatic dependency injection adds the required module at run time.
  • If you remove a module that is required by another module that is in the profile, the automatic dependency injection adds the module at run time, even if it is not listed in the profile.
  • If you remove a module that the theme requires, but is not required by any other modules in the profile, the module is removed and the theme might break.

Theme modules provided with the Portal theme

The following lists describe the modules that are included with the Portal theme. Information about each module includes the module ID and the location in the theme of that module and some details about the module.

85 Theme

These modules are used by the HCL Digital Experience 8.5 theme. For more information, see the module descriptions.

The plugin.xml file location varies and is documented in the module description.

Module Description
wp_theme_portal_85 The Portal 85 theme CSS.
Location: dav:fs-type1:/themes/portal8.5/css
wp_theme_edit Adds the ability to go into page edit mode.
Location: dav:fs-type1:/themes/portal8.5/js
wp_theme_menus The menu framework that was introduced in 7002.
Location: dav:fs-type1:/themes/portal8.5/js
wp_portlet_css Earlier portlet CSS support.
Location: dav:fs-type1:/common-resources/ibm/css/portal
wp_legacy_layouts Earlier 7.0 static page layout CSS.
Location: dav:fs-type1:/common-resources/ibm/css/portal
wp_layout_windowstates Maximize or Minimize portlet support that is implemented as a server-side data source.
wp_portal Supplies JavaScript global configuration objects for use by other features; URLs, locale information, and user information. Implemented as a server-side data source.
wp_liveobject_framework Live object framework provides the feature of adding a special handler to any class selector on a tag. For example, if you have a span tag and its class contains vCard, then this framework makes this markup live. Then, when you hover on the designated text, the following hover text is shown, click here for person card. When you click the hover text, it shows the person card. The person card feature is available out-of-box, along with other requirements. Developers can extend this framework and add their own handlers.
Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml
wp_oob_sample_styles Styles for default web content samples.
Location: PortalServer_root/pzn.ext/wp.templating.wcm/shared/app/wp.wcm.templating.jar
wp_theme_skin_region Provides accessibility supportLocation: dav:fs-type1:/themes/portal8.5/js
wp_theme_high_contrast Provides accessibility support when you use high contrast.Location: dav:fs-type1:/themes/portal8.5/js
wp_custom_page_style The view counterpart of the Edit toolbar shelf that sets the style for a specific page. This module reads the style for a page and makes sure that the corresponding CSS is loaded into the page.
getting_started_module The getting started module is a predefined module that you can use as starting place to quickly inject your own resources into the current theme. For more information, see Simple modules.Location: dav:fs-type1:/themes/Portal8.5/modules/getting_started_module
wp_liveobject_framework_core Live Text Framework core part that provides parsing capability. It parses page for a class selector and returns the retrieved nodes to class handler.Location: PortalServer_root/ui/wp.tagging.liveobject/semTagEar/Live_Object_Framework.ear/liveobjects.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml
wp_openajaxhub The key feature of OpenAjax Hub 2.0 is its publish/subscribe engine that includes a Managed Hub mechanism that allows a host application to isolate untrusted components into secure sandboxes. Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/openajaxhub.jar

Simple menus

These modules are used by the toolbar and theme menus. For more information, see the module descriptions. The plugin.xml file location varies and is documented in the module description.

Module Description
wp_simple_contextmenu_main Gathers all the modules that are required to make up the simple menus. Location: dav:fs-type1:/themes/Portal8.5/contributions/simple_contextmenu.json
wp_simple_contextmenu_css Provides CSS styling for the simple menus Location: dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.5/contributions/simple_contextmenu.json
wp_simple_contextmenu_js Provides support to display a simple pop-up menu. Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/simple_contextmenu.jar
wp_simple_contextmenu_ext Provides extensions that plug into the simple menu, such as badge support. Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/simple_contextmenu.jar
wp_simple_contextmenu_templates Provides templates that are used to render the simple menu. Location: dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.5/contributions/simple_contextmenu.json

These modules are used by theme menus in your Portal, such as in place edit. These menus are also called Component Action menus or CAM. For more information, see the module descriptions. The plugin.xml file location varies and is documented in the module description.

Module Description
wp_contextmenu_main Gathers all the modules that are required to make up the complete Component Action menu.Location: dav:fs-type1:/themes/Portal8.5/contributions/contextmenu.json
wp_contextmenu_css Provides CSS styling for the Component Action menu.Location: dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.5/contributions/contextmenu.json
wp_contextmenu_js Provides support to display an open action menu for page components, for example a portlet or content item.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/contextmenu.jar
wp_contextmenu_templates Provides templates that are used to render the Component Action menu in specific contexts, for example, a menu for a component or an inline edit menu.Location: dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.5/contributions/contextmenu.json
wp_contextmenu_config_lof Provides the configuration for the Live Object Framework service to handle Component Action menu instances on a page.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/contextmenu.jar
wp_contextmenu_live_object Provides Live Object Framework service to handle Component Action menu instances on a page.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/contextmenu.jar
wp_skin_cam Allows the Component Action Menu to be opened by clicking an icon in the portlet skin. Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/skincomponentactionmenu.jar

Dynamic Content Spots

These modules provide mappings for dynamic content spots in the theme.

Module Description
wp_dynamicContentSpots_85 Defines all dynamic content spots for the 8.5 theme. You can overlay any dynamic content spots through other modules.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.themes/default85/installedApps/DefaultTheme85.ear/DefaultTheme85.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml
wp_dynamicContentSpots_toolbar85 Defines all dynamic content spots for the 8.5 toolbar theme. You can overlay any dynamic content spot through other modules.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.themes/toolbar85/installedApps/ToolbarTheme85.ear/ToolbarTheme85.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml


These modules provide resources for the toolbar.

Module Description
wp_a11y Accessibility utility functions APIs. Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/a11y.jar
wp_admin_edit Module providing theme artifacts that are related to the admin area.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml
wp_hiddencontent Module defining CSS to show or hide the hidden content items in the hidden layout container.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/hiddencontent.jar
wp_movecontrols This module provides a JavaScript API, which allows for moving layout controls from one layout container to another within a page layout.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/movecontrols.jar
wp_portlet_applications Support module for Applications portlets.Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/PA_Applications.ear/wp.portlet.applic.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml
wp_portlet_changelayout Support module for Change Layout portlet. This support module shows the orphaned portlets section.Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/PA_Orphaned.ear/wp.portlet.change.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml
wp_portlet_newcontent Support module for New Content portlet. Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/
wp_portlet_newpage Support module for New Page portlet. Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/PA_New_Page.ear/wp.portlet.newpag.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml
wp_portlet_overview Support module for Overview portlet. Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/
wp_portlet_projects Support module for Project portlet. Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/
wp_portlet_sitemap Support module for Sitemap portlet. Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/
wp_portlet_style Support for mode styles portlet. Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/PA_Styles.ear/wp.portlet.styles.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml
wp_portlet_vanityurl Support for the Vanity URL portlet. Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/PA_VanityUrl.ear/wp.portlet.vanity.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml
wp_portlet_wiring Dependencies of the wiring portletLocation: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/PA_Wiring.ear/wp.portlet.wiring.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml
wp_portlet_wiring_resources Resources that are provided by the portlet.Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/PA_Wiring.ear/wp.portlet.wiring.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml
wp_state_page Module that shows the page-specific public render parameters to the client and also provides JavaScript APIs that allow for reading and writing these parameters.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/state.jar!/plugin.xml
wp_state_page_modes Module that annotates the HTML body element of the DOM with microformats that reflect the page modes that are currently active. The supported page modes are page edit mode, or microformat edit-mode, page information mode, or microformat info-mode," and page help mode or microformat "help-mode". Unlike portlet modes, multiple page modes can be active at the same time.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/state.jar!/plugin.xml
wp_theme_utils Module providing a set of JavaScript utility APIs, which can be used to work with the DOM of the different page parts, which are potentially running in different iframes.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/themeutils.jar
wp_toolbar85 Module providing a dynamic content spot that allows for embedding the main window of the site toolbar into a theme. The id for the dynamic content spot is 85toolbar.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_toolbar85_dynamic Module that displays the main control panel of the site toolbar without relying on a dynamic content spot.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_toolbar_actionbar Module providing a dynamic content spot that renders the main action bar of the site toolbar in the 8.5 theme. The action bar provides access to the site toolbar navigation, project menu, and more menu and also allows for activating page edit mode and page information mode. The id for the dynamic content spot is 85toolbar_actionbar.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/actionbar.jar
wp_toolbar_changepagelayout Module providing the Change Page Layout function for menus.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_common Module providing common resources such as CSS styles, images, and JavaScript for the site toolbar. The resources are supposed to be used in the toolbar theme or by portlets that run in the site toolbar.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/common.jar
wp_toolbar_common_wcm Module providing common WCM-related resources such as CSS styles, images, and JavaScript for the site toolbar. The resources are supposed to be used in the toolbar theme or by portlets that run in the site toolbar.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/common.jar
wp_toolbar_contextmenu_js A theme module that defines a simple JavaScript API for creating menus and managing their lifecycle.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/contextmenu.jar
wp_toolbar_controlactions Module providing the resources that are common to all layout control and portlet-specific menu contributions.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_createpage Module providing the "Create Page" function for menus.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_deletecontrol Module providing the "Delete Control" function for portlet menus.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_deletepage Module providing the Delete Page function for menus.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_editpageproperties Module providing the "Edit Page Properties" function for menus.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_hiddencontent Module providing the functions for showing and hiding the layout container that contains the portlets and content items that are currently hidden.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_hidecontrol Module providing the functions for moving portlets or content items into the hidden layout container of the page.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_host Meta module that groups all theme modules that are needed to make a page interoperable with the site toolbar. Add this module to the theme profile of your page if you want to edit the page by using the site toolbar. This module contains all contributions for both, view mode and edit mode. This module must be added to the non-deferred section of the theme profile.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_toolbar_host_dynamic Meta module that groups all theme modules that are needed to make a page interoperable with the site toolbar. Add this module to the theme profile of your page if you want to edit the page by using the site toolbar. This module contains all contributions for both, view mode and edit mode. This module must be added to the non-deferred section of the theme profile.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_toolbar_host_dynamic_view Module that groups all theme modules that are needed to make a page interoperable with the site toolbar. Add this module to the theme profile of your page if you want to edit the page by using the site toolbar. This module contains all contributions that are needed for view mode. This module must be added to the non-deferred section of the theme profile.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_toolbar_host_edit Module that groups all theme modules that are needed to make a page interoperable with the site toolbar. Add this module to the theme profile of your page if you want to edit the page by using the site toolbar. This module contains all contributions that are needed for edit mode. This module can be added to the deferred section of the theme profile.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_toolbar_host_view Module that groups all theme modules that are needed to make a page interoperable with the site toolbar. Add this module to the theme profile of your page if you want to edit the page by using the site toolbar. This module contains all contributions that are needed for view mode. This module must be added to the non-deferred section of the theme profile.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_toolbar_logo Module providing a dynamic content spot to embed the toolbar logo into a theme. The identifier of the dynamic content spot is 85toolbar_logo.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/logo.jar
wp_toolbar_menuactions Module providing the resources that are common to all toolbar-specific menu contributions.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_moremenu Module defining the more menu of the toolbar. This module provides a content spot to embed the more menu into a theme. The ID of the dynamic content spot is 85toolbar_moremenu.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/moremenu.jar
wp_toolbar_movecontrol Module providing the Move Control functions for portlet menus.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_movepage Module providing the Move Page function for menus.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_pageactions Module providing the resources that are common to all page-specific menu contributions.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_projectmenu Module for integrating the project menu into the toolbar. This module provides a content spot to embed the project menu into a theme. The ID of the dynamic content spot is 85toolbar_projectmenu.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/projectmenu.jar
wp_toolbar_sitepreview Module providing the "Preview as User" and "Preview as Unauthenticated" functions for menus.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_toolbar_sitepreview_contentspot Module providing the dynamic content spot to embed the site preview function into the theme. The ID of the dynamic content spot is 85toolbar_preview.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/preview.jar
wp_toolbar_tab Meta module that groups all theme modules that are needed to add a page to the site toolbar. Add this module to the theme profile of your page if your page is to run in the site toolbar.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_toolbar_utils Module providing toolbar utility functions for opening or closing the toolbar, engaging edit mode, or opening a toolbar tab.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_toolbar_validator Module to validate the state of the toolbar tab frame. This module is needed for handling context switches, such as session timeouts, correctly.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_toolbar_viewframe_validator Module to validate the state of the view frame. This module is needed for handling context switches, such as session timeouts, correctly.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_toolbar_wiring Module providing the functions for managing communication endpoints and portlet wires.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/menuactions.jar
wp_photon_iframe XSLT transformation for iFrame transport.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/photon.jar
wp_photon_promisor A promiser implementation.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/photon.jar
wp_photon_xslt XML and XLST utility functionsLocation: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/photon.jar
wp_toolbar_ghost Module that groups all theme modules that are needed to make a page interoperable with the site toolbar without rendering it. This module must be added to the non-deferred section of the theme profile.Location: PortalServer_root/toolbar/wp.toolbar.modules/webapp/installedApps/ToolbarModules.ear/ToolbarModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/toolbar.jar
wp_draft_page_ribbon Adds Draft Page in text that appears along the sides of a page that has a draft in the current project.
Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/draftribbon.jar


These modules provide the toolbar drag-and-drop function.

Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/dnd.jar

Module Description
wp_dnd_css This module provides the CSS that is used to show drag sources and drop zones.
wp_dnd_main This module parses the markup of a page layout to convert the layout containers into valid HTML 5 drop zones.
wp_dnd_util This module provides JavaScript utility APIs for implementing drag-and-drop features.

HCL Web Content Manager

These modules provide Web Content Manager functions.

Module Description
wcm_config Web Content Manager Config is a resource that is intended to be used by Web Content Manager theme modules.Location: PortalServer_root/wcm/prereq.wcm/wcm/shared/app/ilwwcm-services-impl.jar
wcm_inplaceEdit In-place editing enables users with edit access to a content item to edit fields of that item from within the web page itself instead of using the authoring portlet. This feature is available when you display content with a web content viewer portlet.Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/wcm.ear/wcm-inplaceEdit.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml

Content Mapping

Description: Provides content mapping support.


Module Description
wp_content_mapping_picker Provides the Content Mapping Picker dialog that allows one to select a piece of content from Web Content Manager.
wp_content_targeting_cam Provides resources that are required for the Content Targeting dialog that is started from the Component Action menu.
Location: wp_profile_root/installedApps/cell/PA_wp.pzn.ui.actions.ear/wp.pzn.ui.actions.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml


Description: Provides federated document picker support.



These modules provide JavaScript code for the search box widget and provide a JSP to generate the search box markup that can be started as a dynamic content spot.

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/search.jar

Module Description
wp_search Search widget
wp_searchbar Lightweight inline search bar that redirects to the search page to show results.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/search.jar


These modules provide Analytics support.


Module Description
wp_analytics Meta module that provides all analytics features. Use this module if you want to enable all analytics features including the aggregator, analytics tags and site promotions, and the overlay reports.
wp_analytics_aggregator Inserts the reference to the analytics aggregator and its dependencies into the page.
wp_analytics_bootstrap Internal module that contains the bootstrap code that is needed for analytics. Must not be directly referenced in theme profiles.
wp_analytics_overlay_reports Public module that provides the analytics overlay reports for portlets and pages.
wp_analytics_tags Public module that provides the analytics tag and site promotion functions. This module also provides the dynamic content spots that produce the analytics micro-formats.
wp_analytics_tags_dialog Public module that provides the dialog for working with analytics tags and site promotions.


These modules provide resources for Personalization.

Location: PortalServer_root/pzn/prereq.pzn/installedApps/Personalization_Workspace.ear/pznauthorportlet.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml

Module Description
wp_pzn_geolocation Provides resources that are required for Geolocation Personalization.

Social lists

Description: The wp_social_rendering theme module provides the CSS styles that are used by social lists. It defines the capability with the name social_rendering and the version 8.5.


No prerequisites are required to use this theme module.

Web Dock

These modules provide resources to the web dock application.

Location: wp_profile_rootinstalledApps/cell/PA_WebDockPortServlet.ear/WebDockPortlet.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml

Module Description
wp_webdock This module provides resources that are required by web dock application.

IBM® MobileFirst® Integration

Description: Provides the modules for MobileFirst application integration.

Location for all wp_worklight_* modules: dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.5/contributions/worklight61.json

Location for all wl_* modules:[PortalServer\_root](../reference/

Module Description
wp_worklight Mapping module to MobileFirst integration extension
wp_worklight_android Mapping module to MobileFirst integration extension for Android
wp_worklight_css Mapping module to MobileFirst CSS
wp_worklight_css_android Mapping module to MobileFirst CSS for Android
wp_worklight_css_ios Mapping module to MobileFirst CSS for iOS
wp_worklight_ios Mapping module to MobileFirst integration extension for iOS
wp_worklight_jsonstore Mapping module to MobileFirst client JSONStore
wp_worklight_plugins Mapping module to MobileFirst integration extension
wp_worklight_plugins_android Mapping module to MobileFirst integration extension for Android
wp_worklight_plugins_ios Mapping module to MobileFirst integration extension for iOS
wl_android_6 Provides MobileFirst client and Cordova JavaScript resources for Android devices
wl_android_61 Provides MobileFirst client and Cordova JavaScript resources for Android devices
wl_client_css_android_6 Provides MobileFirst client CSS for Android devices, specifically for the diagnostic window, and modal dialog
wl_client_css_android_61 Provides MobileFirst client CSS for Android devices, specifically for the diagnostic window, and modal dialog
wl_client_css_ios_6 Provides MobileFirst client CSS for iOS devices, specifically for the diagnostic window, and modal dialog
wl_client_css_ios_61 Provides MobileFirst client CSS for iOS devices, specifically for the diagnostic window, and modal dialog
wl_client_jsonstore_android_6 Provides MobileFirst client JSONStore for Android devices
wl_client_jsonstore_android_61 Provides MobileFirst client JSONStore for Android devices
wl_client_jsonstore_ios_6 Provides MobileFirst client JSONStore for iOS devices
wl_client_jsonstore_ios_61 Provides MobileFirst client JSONStore for iOS devices
wl_config Data source that injects the initialization for client and Cordova API
wl_cordova_css_android_6 Provides Cordova client CSS, specifically for the tab bar component
wl_ios_6 Provides MobileFirst client and Cordova JavaScript resources for iOS devices
wl_ios_61 Provides MobileFirst client and Cordova JavaScript resources for iOS devices
wl_plugins_android_61 Provides MobileFirst plug-in JavaScript resources for Android devices
wl_plugins_ios_61 Provides MobileFirst plug-in JavaScript resources for iOS devices


These modules provide the code for integrating with HCL Sametime stlinks support and new proxy support.

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/sametime.jar

Module Description
wp_sametime_links Earlier STlinks support.
wp_sametime_proxy New Sametime proxy support.

Web Application Integrator

These modules provide the Web Application Integrator.

Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/ic4_wai.jar!/plugin.xml

Module Description
wp_ic4_wai_resources Provides resources to enable Connections integration with WAI.

Client Utils

These modules provide JavaScript utility code with no dependencies on the Dojo Toolkit in the i$ global namespace. These modules are useful for light-weight themes with no framework dependencies. The code includes type checks, configuration that merges, IO utilities, JSON parsing, DOM helpers, Promises, and eventing.

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/ibmc.jar

Module Description
wp_client_main Contains basic utilities.
wp_client_ext Contains advanced utilities like Promises, IO, DOM helpers, events, and the deferred module loading code.
wp_client_dnd Contains drag-and-drop capabilities. Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/ibmc.jar
wp_client_logging Contains logging capabilities for error, warning, and information messages.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/ibmc.jar
wp_client_selector Contains a JavaScript CSS selector engine. Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/ibmc.jar
wp_client_tracing Contains tracing capabilities.Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/ibmc.jar

Portal Client

These modules provide utilities and base code for other modules, including Tagging and Rating.

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/portalclient.jar

Module Description
wp_portlet_client_model Public client programming model. Includes REST service and state handling. Used as a base prerequisite to other functional modules.
wp_portal_client_utils Common utilities for other modules to use (XML handling, authentication), used as base prerequisite to other functional modules.
wp_portal_client_rest_utils Client-side data stores used by other Portal features, such as Tagging and Rating, to access the Portal REST modules on the server.
wp_portal_ui_utils Common UI elements. Used as a base prerequisite for some theme dialogs, such as the Content Mapping Picker and Tagging and Rating
wp_tagging_rating Tagging and Rating widgets
wp_tagging_rating_opensearch Open Search plug-in for Tagging and Rating
wp_tagging_rating_light Provides all lightweight inline tagging and rating widgets.
wp_tagging_rating_menu Provides tagging and rating menu items in the actions menu.
wp_tagging_rating_tagcloud Provides tag cloud in Tag center page.
wp_template_select_dialog A dialog that is started from the New Page dialog that allows a user to pick on a page template, which to base their newly created page.

Dialog API

These modules provide the theme dialog function.

Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/dialog.jar

Module Description
wp_dialog_css Provides the CSS styling for dialogs that are displayed by the dialog API.
wp_dialog_draggable Provides support to allow dialogs that are created with the dialog API to create dialogs to display page content.
wp_dialog_main Provides an API to create dialogs to display page content
wp_dialog_util Provides utilities to support the dialog API.


These modules provide the CSS for OneUI.


  • wp_one_ui
  • wp_one_ui_dijit

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/oneui.jar

Module Description
wp_one_ui_21 Provides OneUI v2.1 CSS.
wp_one_ui_30 Provides OneUI v3.0 CSS.
wp_one_ui_dijit_30 Provides dijit support for OneUI.
wp_one_ui_303 Provides OneUI v3.03 CSS.
wp_one_ui_dijit_303 Provides dijit support for OneUI v3.03.


These modules are used for separate layers that are built from a Dojo build profile. The djconfig object is provided by a Portal data source. The POC URL for Dojo 1.6 is dojo:config@v1.6. For Dojo 1.7, it is dojo:config@v1.7. For Dojo 1.9, it is dojo:config@v1.9. Look in the /dojo/build.txt to see which files are in each layer. Each module contributes to the head section.

Dojo Meta-Modules

These Dojo modules are not associated with a specific Dojo release. In HCL Portal, a meta-module paradigm was added for Dojo support. The user can define which version of Dojo to use, 1.9, 1.7 or 1.6. The meta-modules do not have the Dojo version specified.

The meta module definitions are stored in the following files:

  • dojo19.json

    In PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.dojo/installedApps/dojo.ear/dojo.war/v1.9

  • dojo17.json

    In PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.dojo/installedApps/dojo.ear/dojo.war/v1.7

  • dojo16.json

    In PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.dojo/installedApps/dojo.ear/dojo.war/v1.6

To activate a version, copy the corresponding file into the WebDAV dav:fs-type1:/themes/portal8.5/contribution folder. Delete the previous file and restart the server.


You can have only one file in the folder at one time because the dojo16.json, dojo17.json, and dojo19.json files are not supported at the same time. Specific Dojo modules are listed in the Dojo 1.9, Dojo 1.7 and Dojo 1.6 sections. For a list of Dojo classes that are provided by each meta-module, see more information Dojo classes that are provided by the Dojo modules.

The following list shows the meta-modules.

  • dojo
  • dojo_app
  • dojo_data
  • dojo_data_ext
  • dojo_dnd_basic
  • dojo_dnd_ext
  • dojo_dom
  • dojo_fmt
  • dojo_fx
  • dojo_node_list
  • dojo_promise
  • dojo_request
  • dojo_selector_lite
  • dijit
  • dijit_app
  • dijit_editor
  • dijit_editor_plugins
  • dijit_form
  • dijit_layout_basic
  • dijit_layout_ext
  • dijit_menu
  • dijit_tree
  • dijit_all
  • dojox_all
  • dojox_app
  • dojox_aspect
  • dojox_calendar
  • dojox_charting
  • dojox_charting_all
  • dojox_collections
  • dojox_data_all
  • dojox_data_basic
  • dojox_dgauges
  • dojox_fx
  • dojox_gfx
  • dojox_gfx3d
  • dojox_grid_all
  • dojox_html_basic
  • dojox_images
  • dojox_io
  • dojox_layout_ext
  • dojox_layout_basic
  • dojox_mobile
  • dojox_mobile_app
  • dojox_mobile_compat
  • dojox_mobile_app_compat
  • dojox_string
  • dojox_uuid
  • dojox_widget_standby
  • dojox_xml

Dojo 1.9 modules

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.dojo/installedApps/dojo.ear/dojo.war/v1.9


Dojo 1.7 modules

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.dojo/installedApps/dojo.ear/dojo.war/v1.7


Dojo 1.6 modules

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.dojo/installedApps/dojo.ear/dojo.war/v1.6



These modules provide jQuery.

Location: PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.jquery/installedApps/wp.theme.jquery.ear/wp.theme.jquery.war/WEB-INF/plugin.xml

Module Description
jquery_1_10_2 Provides jQuery v1.10.2 core resources.

Modularized Page Builder

These modules provide support for the modularized Page Builder themes from 7.0.

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/ui/

Module Description
mm_template_layout Widget that handles layout refreshing, this module is only used for Modularized Page Builder themes from 7.0
mm_customize_shelf Base widget for the site toolbar, this module is only used for Modularized Page Builder themes from 7.0
mm_page_toolbar Widget for the Customize, Hidden Content, Save & Exit, and Cancel. This module is only used for Modularized Page Builder themes from 7.0
mm_content_set_list Menu framework list widget from 7.0. This module is only used for Modularized Page Builder themes from 7.0
mm_content_set_menu Menu framework widget from 7.0. This module is only used for Modularized Page Builder themes from 7.0
mm_controlled_nav_widget Navigation widget from 7.0. This module is only used for Modularized Page Builder themes from 7.0


These modules provide earlier Portal 7.0 theme skins.

The plugin.xml file location varies and is documented in the module description.

Module Description
wp_pagebuilder_standard_skin_70 Earlier 7.0 standard skin.
Location: dav:fs-type1/skins/Standard/
wp_pagebuilder_noskin_skin_70 Earlier 7.0 no skin.
Location: dav:fs-type1/skins/NoSkin/

Mashups Enabler

Provides the modules for Enabler from the Mashups release.

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/ui/

Module Description
mm_open_ajax_hub Open Ajax Hub
mm_enabler Full enabler
mm_enabler_core Enabler core; provides only iWidget container support but no model APIs
mm_enabler_ext Enabler support is not included in the mm_enabler

Mashups Builder

Provides the modules for Builder from the Mashups release.

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/ui/

Module Description
mm_builder Builder base
mm_builder_ext Builder support
mm_builder_dialogs Builder dialog base widget
wp_theme_widget Menu support for iWidgets

User Interface

These modules provide user interface code.

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/ui/

Page handling

Module Description
mm_move_page Move Page widget
mm_new_page_dialog New Page dialog widget
mm_delete_page Menu contribution for deleting a page


Module Description
mm_builder_wiring Wiring widget

Portlet handling

Module Description
mm_delete_control Menu contribution for deleting a portlet

Page Builder

These modules contain code for running Page Builder functions.

The plugin.xml file location is PortalServer_root/theme/wp.theme.modules/webapp/installedApps/ThemeModules.ear/ThemeModules.war/WEB-INF/lib/pagebuilder.jar

Module Description
wp_pagebuilder_base Base code and utilities that are used by the other modules in this section.
wp_pagebuilder_ui Initialization code and base widgets (such as dialogs) used by other Page Builder modules.
wp_pagebuilder_controls Code to add the Move portlet menu actions (Move Up/Left/Right/Down).
wp_pagebuilder_debug Client-side debugging and tracing code, this module is turned off by default.
wp_pagebuilder_data Data stores used by Page Builder editing tools, and that follow the Dojo read/write API.
wp_pagebuilder_dnd Support for portlet drag-and-drop in the page layout.
wp_pagebuilder_shelf The site toolbar code, this module is used for modularized Page Builder themes from 7.0 only.
wp_pagebuilder_csa Earlier CSA-only Page builder code, this module is used for modularized Page Builder themes from 7.0 only.
wp_pagebuilder_widget_css Earlier CSA widget CSS, this module is used for modularized Page Builder themes from 7.0 only.
wp_pagebuilder_shelf_base Contains the base code for the tabs in the theme toolbar, used a prerequisite for other modules that implement tabs in the toolbar.
wp_wcm_modal_dialog Contains a framework that displays a page in an iframe inside a modal dialog Used as a prerequisite to other modules that use this dialog framework.
wp_managed_pages_support Contains a JavaScript configuration object that is used by all of the managed pages theme modules.
wp_managed_pages_support_edit Contains base JavaScript code that is shared by the project menu and preview managed pages modules.
wp_toolbar A managed pages theme module for the toolbar.
wp_status_bar The theme status bar that relays information, warning, and error messages to the user.
wp_project_menu A dojo-less managed pages theme module for the view mode display of project menu.
wp_project_menu_edit A managed pages theme module for the edit mode function of the project menu.
wp_preview CSS for the managed pages Preview controls seen in page view mode.
wp_preview_menu A managed pages theme module for the Preview function that is seen in the More menu
wp_template_select_dialog A dialog that is started from the New Page dialog. A user can pick a page template and base a newly created page on that template.
Related information