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Data collection and symptom analysis

There is one method to collect data and analyze symptoms for problem determination scenarios. You run a task that can collect and optionally send the data for you. Starting with HCL Digital Experience version 8.5, there is now a task to collect the configuration wizard logs. This task is only necessary if the wizard fails before the steps to create the wp_profile/ConfigEngine instance.

  • wpcollector tool

    Complete the following steps:

    1. If the support team requested tracing, enable it now as instructed and then re-create the problem. If no tracing is requested, skip to the next step.
    2. Open a command prompt and change to the wp_profile_root/PortalServer/bin/ directory.


      You must run the wpcollector task from the wp_profile_root/PortalServer/bin/ directory. If you run the task from a different directory, the task fails.

    3. Run the following script to collect data:

      • AIX® and Linux™: ./
      • Windows™: wpcollector.bat
    4. If you did not automatically FTP your results, locate the file or the file in the wp_profile_root/filesForAutoPD/ directory. Follow the instructions in "Exchanging information with IBM Technical Support for problem determination" to manually FTP your results.


    If you try to extract the file, some collections might not expand properly if the path name exceeds the 256 character limitation.

  • cwcollector tool

    Complete the following steps if the configuration wizard failed before it created the wp_profile/ConfigEngine instance:

    1. Open a command prompt and change to the AppServer_root/ConfigEngine directory.
    2. Run the following task to collect the configuration wizard logs:


      The logs are compressed and placed into the AppServer_root/filesForAutoPD directory.

      • AIX®: ./ collect-cw-logs -DPortalBinaryLocation=/usr/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer -DWasPassword=password
      • Linux™: ./ collect-cw-logs -DPortalBinaryLocation=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer -DWasPassword=password
      • Windows™: ConfigEngine.bat collect-cw-logs -DPortalBinaryLocation=C:/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer -DWasPassword=password


      If the collect-cw-logs task fails, run the stopserver server1 command from the AppServer_root/bin directory. Then, rerun the collect-cw-logs task.

    3. If you did not automatically FTP your results, locate the file or the file in the AppServer_root/filesForAutoPD directory. Follow the instructions in "Exchanging information with IBM Technical Support for problem determination" to manually FTP your results.

  • Troubleshooting:

    If the wpcollector task cannot process due to too many files, then flags can be set to collect a subset of all the files.

    -Dskip.XXX.XXXX= true can be set to not include files.

    "collect-was-common-files-for-PD" flag="skip.was.collection"

    "collect-portal-common-files-for-PD" flag="skip.wp.collection"

    "collect-wp_profile-common-files-for-PD" flag="skip.profile.collection"

    "action-remove-password-from-prop-files" flag="skip.remove.pwd"

    "transfer-autopd-data" flag="skip.file.transfer"

    "collect-trace-logs" flag = "skip.trace.collection"

    "collect_wps_information" flag ="skip.wps.collection"

    "collect_cisa_inventory_info" flag ="skip.cisa.collection"

    "collect-response-file" flag="skip.resp.file.collection"

    "collect-iim-install-data" flag =""

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