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Portal version and history information

You can use the HCL Digital Experience version and history information tools to gather information about your portal installation.

Version information

The portal version information tool is located in the following directory:

  • AIX® and Linux™: wp_profile_root/PortalServer/bin
  • Windows™: wp_profile_root\PortalServer\bin

You invoke the tool by using the following command:

  • AIX® and Linux™: ./
  • Windows: WPVersionInfo.bat

You can also generate a report in HTML format by executing the genVersionReport tool

  • AIX® and Linux™: ./
  • Windows: genVersionReport.bat

History information

The History information tool can be used to gather installation history for the HCL Portal product. The History information tool is located in the following directory:

  • AIX® and Linux™: wp_profile_root/PortalServer/bin
  • Windows: wp_profile_root\PortalServer\bin

The History information tool can be invoked using the following command:

  • AIX® and Linux™: ./
  • Windows: WPHistoryInfo.bat

You can also generate a report in HTML format by executing the genHistoryReport tool:

  • AIX® and Linux™: ./
  • Windows: genHistoryReport.bat
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