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Configuring HCL Volt MX Foundry for integration with HCL Digital Experience

Configuring Ingress for HCL Digital Experience and HCL Volt MX Foundry

You can use an optional Ingress with HCL Digital Experience. While an Ingress is not required to run HCL Digital Experience, it can be configured to be reused by HCL Volt MX Foundry to handle the routing for both products and make them available on the same host.

  1. Set up the Ingress for HCL Digital Experience. For more information, refer to the optional Ingress documentation.
  2. Configure HCL Volt MX Foundry to use the existing Ingress controller. The following sample values for HCL Volt MX Foundry configure the Ingress to use an SSL connection using the provided custom certificates.

    • The certificate in customCert must match the certificate used for the Ingress configuration of HCL Digital Experience. The cer and key file must be located in the apps/certs directory of the MX Helm chart.
    • The class in this configuration refers to the class name of the deployed Ingress controller.
    • The serverDomainName must match the hostname that the Ingress is available at:

        enabled: true
        protocol: "https"
        port: "443"
        class: "nginx"
          enabled: true
            cert: "certs/your-ssl-cert.cer"
            key: "certs/your-ssl-cert.key"
      serverDomainName: ""

    Refer to the HCL Volt MX Foundry Configuration documentation for more details on the used values.

After applying the configuration, both HCL Digital Experience and HCL Volt MX Foundry can be accessed using the provided hostname.