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Transitions reference

You can configure transitions in multiple ways. For example, with single portlets as source, you can configure it to transition to targets such as single portlets, multiple portlets through single or multiple transition endpoints, single page, or mixed resources. Similarly, you can configure single portlets, multiple portlets, single page, or mixed resources to become the source and transition to the target single portlet. The following reference topics show the code samples for these transitions.

  • Transitions from portlets
    The following code samples show examples of the various transitions that you can configure from a single portlet as the source.
  • Transitions from pages
    The following code samples show examples of the various transitions that you can configure with the page as the source.
  • Transitions from dialogs
    The following code samples show examples of the various transitions that you can configure with the page as the source.
  • Transitions from multiple resources
    The following code sample shows a transition where the source points to multiple resources and the target points to single portlet. The multiple resources that the source points to can be pages or portlets or both pages and portlets that are marked with a particular metadata marker.