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Verify A Successful Deployment and Link a DX Module to a DX Theme

Verify in WebSphere Application Server

To verify, log in to the WebSphere console. Under the Applications tab, then the Application Types, and then lastly in the Business-level applications, you can search for your application name in the table in the right-hand side. Upload to WAS

To verify inside HCL Digital Experience:

Click Themes in the Practitioner Studio Home Page. Theme Click the Menu button at the upper left most part of the screen. Theme Manager Click the Manager menu icon in the top-left corner. Theme Button Click pencil icon on the right side of the theme to be used (i.e., Script Applications Test Theme). Edit Button Go to profiles->profile_deferred_react.json then remove the 3 highlighted moduleIDs (for release builds prior to CF205, the following modules will not exist). Remove Default Add the new module (i.e. Reactv18r2). Click on the Save button (disc icon) in the upper right area. Add DX Module Click the Analyzer menu then click the Examine modules by profile. Theme Analyzer Navigate to Examine modules by profile and click the module used then click Next. Modules By Profile Expand Modules and the module uploaded must be there (i.e., Reactv18r2).


There must be no warning icon in the uploaded module.

Module Status

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