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Deploy a ReactJS App as a Script Application


What You Will Learn In This Tutorial

  • Enrichment of new or existing NPM based projects to easily upload built application to HCL Digital Experience (DX).
  • Optional migration of the NPM project to use Webpack bundler.

Where To Get The Sample Code

Sample codes are available in GitHub: Deploy a React App to DX as a ScriptApp.


For optimal loading of multiple Script Applications in a single page, custom Webpack bundling is needed. For more information, see Deploy Multiple Script Applications with Shared Dependencies.



See the detailed information here.

How To Bundle and Deploy Applications to DX

Quick Build and Deploy

Follow the detailed steps here.

Quick Notes:

  • Set a unique wcmContentName (i.e: EducSampleScriptApp) setting in package.json.
  • Make sure the contentRoot setting in package.json matches the build or distribution folder.

Optional: How To Migrate Apps to use Webpack and Deploy as Script Application

Build and Deploy using WebPack

Follow the detailed steps here.