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Configuring DAM Indexing

This page contains instructions on how to add configurations of the OpenSearch middleware and enable Digital Asset Management (DAM) Indexing.


OpenSearch must be enabled.

Adding OpenSearch middleware configurations to enable DAM Indexing

Go to the values.yaml file and refer to the following sample Helm values to add configurations of OpenSearch middleware:

        # Enable/Disable Search Middleware
        enabled: true
        # Host of Search Middleware
        # Port of Search Middleware
        port: 443
        # Setting if SSL is enabled for Search Middleware
        ssl: true
        # Username of the push administrator
        pushAdminUser: "pushadmin"
        # Password of the push administrator
        pushAdminPassword: "adminpush"
        # Provide a custom secret that will be used to set credentials for push administration
        # If customPushAdminSecret is provided then pushAdminUser & pushAdminPassword values are ignored
        # This can be removed if there is no custom secret
        customPushAdminSecret: ""
        # Content Source ID of DAM
        # This is needed for indexing to work in DAM
        damContentSourceId: ""

You can create the damContentSourceId by using the POST /dx/api/search/v2/contentsources endpoint from the OpenSearch REST API:

    "type": "dam",
    "name": "dam",
    "aclLookupHost": ""

Enabling DAM Indexing

After configuring the OpenSearch middleware, run the following helm upgrade command to enable indexing in DAM:

helm -n dxns upgrade -f ./install-deploy-values.yaml dx-deployment ./install-hcl-dx-deployment