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Staging DAM to rendering environments

This topic contains the commands that administrators can use to configure the staging of Digital Asset Management (DAM) content. This allows you to manage subscriber registration or configure periodic sync.

Differences between DAM staging and WCM syndication


WCM syndication and DAM staging are two distinct processes that have similar goals but just differ in some details. To learn more about differences have a look at the following table.
Aspect WCM DAM
Credentials for authentication Authentication via credentials Vault slot. The credentials given during registration are stored as Kubernetes Secrets and used for file transfer authentication and authorization from publisher to subscriber. The user credentials stored in secret is the primary portal administrator credential. For more information, see Configure Credentials.
Configuration syndication WCM syndication can be configured via UI or REST API one time. Sync can be triggered via REST API or UI. Subscriber can be configured by dxclient.
Syndication ordering One-way or two-way syndication is possible, with one or many subscriber's resource. DAM staging only supports one-way syndication.
Different user repository support per environment Supported via member fixer in WCM Not supported by DAM at this time

DAM staging framework

The DAM staging framework allows you to stage your DAM content from an authoring environment (source environment/publisher) to multiple rendering environments (target environment/subscriber). Using DXClient, you can configure DAM staging to:

  • Trigger a manual staging or use periodic staging processes.
  • Set the cycle length (default: 2 minutes, maximum: 24 hours) for periodic sync.
  • Register a subscriber with a publisher.


    A subscriber must be registered with a publisher. Access rights to DAM staging assets are not transferred for subscribers who do not have the same distinguished names (for example, uid=wpsadmin, in both publisher's and subscriber's Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or other user registry.

Configure staging hostname

The hostname configuration for the DAM staging publisher and subscriber must be specified in the values.yaml file of HCL DX's helm charts. If the value is empty, the default host details will be the load balancer hostname. In case of a hybrid deployment, the hostname details must be specified.


In values.yaml, the host, port, and ssl settings can be configured under `networking.addon.digitalAssetManagement.staging`.

Configuring LTPA Token Refresh Time

LTPA token stored in cache refreshes every 5 minutes by default.ltpaTokenRefreshTimeInMinutes can be configured in values.yaml under the configurations section of digitalAssetManagement.

    ltpaTokenRefreshTimeInMinutes: 5
ltpaTokenRefreshTimeInMinutes is a token refresh time configuration in minutes, which is passed to DAM as an environment variable.

Configuring LDAP

DAM staging supports different LDAP for publisher and subscriber:
DAM staging works with environments that use a different LDAP. An LDAP user with portal admin rights can be used for stage registration.

Credentials used during staging

Registration and file transfer:
You must use the portal admin user credentials for staging registration. These credentials are then stored as Kubernetes secrets. The user credentials in the secret can be the identical or different on the transferring server and the subscriber. The credentials used in the registration are used for authentication and authorization during DXClient registration and for transferring files during staging.

To update staging secret:
The manage-dam-staging update-secrets command can be used to update the publisher and subscriber staging secrets.

Managing DAM staging

Use the manage-dam-staging trigger-staging command to trigger DAM staging.

  • Command description

    You can trigger the DAM staging with the following command:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging trigger-staging
  • Help command

    This command shows the help information for manage-dam-staging trigger-staging command usage:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging trigger-staging -h
  • Command options

    Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: "")

    -dxProtocol <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the host name of the DX server of the publisher (default: "")

    -hostname <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -dxPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the user name that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher (default: "")

    -dxUsername <value> 

    Use this attribute to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher
    (default: "")

    -dxPassword <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DAM server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -damAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DX Core API server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -ringAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DAM of the publisher (default: ""; default version for any Kubernetes environment is v1):

    -damAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DX Core of the publisher (default: ""; default version for any Kubernetes environment is v1):

    -ringAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the host name of the target environment of the subscriber:

    -targetHostname <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the interval between two sync cycles. The unit of interval is in minutes. (default: "2 minutes")

    -interval <value>
  • Command:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging trigger-staging -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <hostname> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -damAPIPort <damAPIPort> -ringAPIPort <ringAPIPort> -damAPIVersion <damAPIVersion> -ringAPIVersion <ringAPIVersion> -targetHostname <targetHostname>


    dxclient manage-dam-staging trigger-staging -dxProtocol https -hostname -dxPort 443 -dxUsername xxxx -dxPassword xxxx -damAPIPort 443 -ringAPIPort 443 -damAPIVersion v1 -ringAPIVersion v1 -targetHostname

Registering or deregistering for DAM staging


For hybrid deployments, refer to the "Setting up staging for hybrid deployments" section.

Use the manage-dam-staging register-dam-subscriber command to register or the manage-dam-staging deregister-dam-subscriber command to deregister the subscriber for DAM staging.

  • Command description

    You can register a subscriber for DAM staging with the following command:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging register-dam-subscriber

    You can deregister a subscriber for DAM staging with the following command:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging deregister-dam-subscriber
  • Help command

    The following command shows the help information for manage-dam-staging register-dam-subscriber command usage:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging register-dam-subscriber -h

    The following command shows the help information for manage-dam-staging deregister-dam-subscriber command usage:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging deregister-dam-subscriber -h
  • Command options

    Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: "")

    -dxProtocol <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the host name of the DX server of the publisher (default: "")

    -hostname <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -dxPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the user name that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher (default: "")

    -dxUsername <value> 

    Use this attribute to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher
    (default: "")

    -dxPassword <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DAM server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -damAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DX Core API server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -ringAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DAM of the publisher (default: ""; default version for any Kubernetes environment is v1):

    -damAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DX Core of the publisher (default: ""; default version for any Kubernetes environment is v1):

    -ringAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the host name of the target environment of the subscriber:

    -targetHostname <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the Username of the DX Core server of the subscriber (default: ""):

    -targetServerUsername <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the Password of the DX Core server of the subscriber (default: ""):

    -targetServerPassword <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the subscriber ID of the target environment of the subscriber:

    -subscriberId <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the interval between two sync cycles. The unit of interval is in minutes. (default: "2 minutes")

    -interval <value>
  • Commands:

    To register:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging register-dam-subscriber -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <hostname> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -damAPIPort <damAPIPort> -ringAPIPort <ringAPIPort> -damAPIVersion <damAPIVersion> -ringAPIVersion <ringAPIVersion> -targetHostname <targetHostname> -targetServerUsername <targetServerUsername> -targetServerPassword <targetServerPassword> -interval <interval>


    dxclient manage-dam-staging register-dam-subscriber -dxProtocol https -hostname -dxPort 443 -dxUsername xxxx -dxPassword xxxx -targetServerUsername xxxx -targetServerPassword xxxx -damAPIPort 443 -ringAPIPort 443 -damAPIVersion v1 -ringAPIVersion v1 -targetHostname -interval 2

    To deregister:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging deregister-dam-subscriber -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <hostname> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -damAPIPort <damAPIPort> -ringAPIPort <ringAPIPort> -damAPIVersion <damAPIVersion> -ringAPIVersion <ringAPIVersion> -subscriberId <subscriberId>


    dxclient manage-dam-staging deregister-dam-subscriber -dxProtocol https -hostname -dxPort 443 -dxUsername xxxx -dxPassword xxxx -damAPIPort 443 -ringAPIPort 443 -damAPIVersion v1 -ringAPIVersion v1 -subscriberId d7e5e014-12a0-4dc5-a5d7-971fd4fa86f3

Updating secrets for DAM staging

Use the manage-dam-staging update-secrets command to update secrets of the publisher and subscriber for DAM staging.

  • Command description

    You can update the secrets of a publisher and subscriber for DAM staging with the following command:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging update-secrets
  • Help command

    The following command shows the help information for manage-dam-staging update-secrets command usage:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging update-secrets -h
  • Command options

    Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -dxProtocol <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the host name of the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -hostname <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -dxPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the user name that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher (default: ""):

    -dxUsername <value> 

    Use this attribute to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher
    (default: ""):

    -dxPassword <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DAM server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -damAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DX Core API server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -ringAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DAM of the publisher (default: ""; default version for any Kubernetes environment is v1):

    -damAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DX Core of the publisher (default: ""; default version for any Kubernetes environment is v1):

    -ringAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the host name of the target environment of the subscriber:

    -targetHostname <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the Username of the DX Core server of the subscriber (default: ""):

    -targetServerUsername <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the Password of the DX Core server of the subscriber (default: ""):

    -targetServerPassword <value>
  • Commands:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging update-secrets -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <hostname> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -damAPIPort <damAPIPort> -ringAPIPort <ringAPIPort> -damAPIVersion <damAPIVersion> -ringAPIVersion <ringAPIVersion> -targetHostname <targetHostname> -targetServerUsername <targetServerUsername> -targetServerPassword <targetServerPassword>


    dxclient manage-dam-staging update-secrets -dxProtocol https -hostname -dxPort 443 -dxUsername xxxx -dxPassword xxxx -targetServerUsername xxxx -targetServerPassword xxxx -damAPIPort 443 -ringAPIPort 443 -damAPIVersion v1 -ringAPIVersion v1 -targetHostname

Getting all subscribers details for DAM staging

Use the manage-dam-staging get-all-subscribers command to get all the registered subscribers details for DAM staging.

  • Command description

    You can get all subscribers details for DAM staging with the following command:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging get-all-subscribers
  • Help command

    The following command shows the help information for manage-dam-staging get-all-subscribers command usage:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging get-all-subscribers -h
  • Command options

    Use this attribute to specify the protocol with which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: "")

    -dxProtocol <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the host name of the DX server of the publisher (default: "")

    -hostname <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port on which to connect to the DX server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -dxPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the user name that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher (default: "")

    -dxUsername <value> 

    Use this attribute to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the DX server of the publisher
    (default: "")

    -dxPassword <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DAM server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -damAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the port number of the DX Core API server of the publisher (default: ""; default port for any Kubernetes environment is 443):

    -ringAPIPort <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DAM of the publisher (default: ""; default version for any Kubernetes environment is v1):

    -damAPIVersion <value>

    Use this attribute to specify the API version number of DX Core of the publisher (default: ""; default version for any Kubernetes environment is v1):

    -ringAPIVersion <value>
  • Commands:

    To get all subscribers details:

    dxclient manage-dam-staging get-all-subscribers -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -hostname <hostname> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -damAPIPort <damAPIPort> -ringAPIPort <ringAPIPort> -damAPIVersion <damAPIVersion> -ringAPIVersion <ringAPIVersion>


    dxclient manage-dam-staging get-all-subscribers -dxProtocol https -hostname -dxPort 443 -dxUsername xxxx -dxPassword xxxx -damAPIPort 443 -ringAPIPort 443 -damAPIVersion v1 -ringAPIVersion v1


Media assets and collections are not staged from publisher to subscriber if the media assets or collections exist with the same name and have a different unique id on the publisher and the subscriber servers.

The following list enumerates the scenarios where items are not staged from publisher to subscriber:

- Collection - When there is a same collection name on the same level, but a unique name in the entire set of collections
- Media - When there is a same file name in the same collection 
- Rendition - When there is a same custom URL in the entire set
- Version - When the version is for a rendition (for example, v1, v2, v3)

If items are not staged to the subscriber, you can find the respective log messages in the DAM logs of the subscriber.

Using WCM with DAM staging

The typical setup involves a WCM staging/authoring server connected to DAM staging/authoring, and a separate WCM rendering connected to DAM rendering (there could be multiple WCM rendering/DAM rendering environments, for example, a Blue/Green setup).

Syndication is set up for WCM between staging/authoring and WCM rendering.

DAM staging is set up between DAM staging/authoring and DAM rendering.

(Optional) You can configure WCM WCMConfigService in the WAS Admin Console to allow switching the host name (and port) used for DAM references in WCM using the following:


You must restart the DX Core JVM for changes to take effect.


If the properties are in place when using the REST API or WCM Admin UI or WCM API, the returned DAM references have the overwritten host name and port.


If a content item is moved from the staging environment to production, and production has the host overwrite set to, then all DAM references are returned with
For instance, even if we received the following from syndication:

(Optional) Starting CF210, you can configure WCM WCMConfigService in the WAS Admin Console to use relative URLs for DAM references in WCM using the following:


You must restart the DX Core JVM for changes to take effect.


If the properties are in place when using the REST API or WCM Admin UI or WCM API, the returned DAM references have no hostname or port.


If a content item is moved from the staging environment to production, and production has the relative URL option enabled, then all DAM references are returned relatively.
For instance, /dx/api/dam/v1/collections/390e9808-a6d2-4ebe-b6fb-f10046ebf642/items/fd18083c-d84b-4816-af6e-583059c73122/renditions/7855bfae-d741-41f7-815f-d15f427a4da0?binary=true even if we received the following from syndication:

Setting up staging for hybrid deployments

The following sections also apply for hybrid deployments:

Creating Kubernetes secrets containing the portal admin user credentials

Run the following command on each environment to make the credentials known for staging:

kubectl -n <namespace> create secret generic <helm release name>-dam-staging \
--from-literal='username-<hostname1>'='<base64 encoded username from hostname1>' \
--from-literal='password-<hostname1>'='<base64 encoded password from hostname1>' \
--from-literal='username-<hostname2>'='<base64 encoded username from hostname2>' \
--from-literal='password-<hostname2>'='<base64 encoded username from hostname2>'

The secrets consist of the username and password for each environment. You can create secrets for two or more hostnames depending on the number of subscribers.

When creating secrets, you must manually encode all credentials in Base64.

Registering the subscriber using REST API

  1. Log in and get an LTPA token by using the RingAPI POST /auth/login endpoint.

  2. Use the DAM API POST /staging/subscriber endpoint on the Publisher with the LTPA token from Step 1 and register the subscriber. For example:

      "targetHost": "<kube-dam-subscriber-host-name>",
      "cycleLength": 2,
      "status": true
  3. (Optional) Verify the registration by using the DAM API GET /staging/subscriber endpoint.