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Pre-render methods

Pre-rendering can be configured to run automatically, or you can manually pre-render a website by using a URL.

Administrator access: To pre-render a website, you must have administrator access to the library that contains the site area.

Automatically pre-rendering a website

Pre-rendering can be run according to the cacher settings specified for the WCM WCMConfigService service as part of the pre-rendering configuration.

Manually pre-rendering a website

Pre-rendering can also be initiated through the URL interface. For example:


Service Required Parameters Optional Parameters
SRV=cacheSiteInitializes pre-rendering for the site area with a delay as given (in seconds). sitearea=site area name DELAY=<delay>LIBRARY=<library>
Note: If no library is specified, the default library is used, as specified by the defaultLibrary property in the WCM WCMConfigService service.
SRV=flushSiteCacheClears (flushes) the site cache. Deletes all pre-rendered data. sitearea=site area name LIBRARY=<library>
Note: If no library is specified, the default library is used, as specified by the defaultLibrary property in the WCM WCMConfigService service.
SRV=flushPageCacheFlushes the page from the site cache. The site area and page are determined from the request URL.    
No SRV specifiedThe CacherModule attempts to retrieve the page from the cache.    

Pre-rendering individual content items

You can also pre-render individual content items by using the following URL:



  • To pre-render individual content items, the site area that is specified in the URL must either be a site area set in connect.moduleconfig.cacher.task.siteareas in the WCM WCMConfigService service, or you must have previously manually pre-rendered the site area using "SRV=cacheSite" so that the site area already exists in the location you pre-render to.
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