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Creating a content item from a skeleton

A "skeleton" representation of a content item that is created from a content template can be obtained to aid in the creation of content items. This can be obtained by using a GET request to the following URI. When the skeleton is obtained and completed a POST request can be made by using this data to create the item: /ContentTemplate/template-uuid/new-content.

For example:

HTTP/1.1 GET http://host:port/wps/mycontenthandler/wcmrest/ContentTemplate/b7b8b3fb-8fa1-4eb3-915e-ce7514f7067f/new-content

200 OK
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entry xmlns="" xmlns:wcm="">
    <title lang="en"></title>
    <summary lang="en"></summary>
    <link label="Library" rel="library" href="/wps/mycontenthandler/!ut/p/
digest!PQo5Yhy68oeppWcEz2sddA/wcmrest/item/a423287f-b0ce-4ee3-9c95-aa0939382228" lang="en"/>
    <link label="Content Template" rel="content-template" href="/wps/
mycontenthandler/!ut/p/digest!PQo5Yhy68oeppWcEz2sddA/wcmrest/Content/b7b8b3fb-8fa1-4eb3-915e-ce7514f7067f" lang="en"/>
    <content type="application/">
        <content xmlns="">
                <element name="Body">
                    <title lang="en">Body</title>