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Data Type : Rich Text
ACTIVEOBJECTPARAM - Active object parameter specification.

#include <editods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
   WORD Length;        /* Length of the text string that follows */
   WORD FormulaLength; /* Length of the formula data (if any) that
                          follows */
   WORD Reserved;
/* Variable length data follows (strings not null terminated) */

Description :

This record specifies how a parameter to an active object is obtained. This record only appears following an ACTIVEOBJECT record, and is part of a CDHOTSPOTBEGIN record. The ACTIVEOBJECTPARAM may contain either a string representing the entire parameter, or a string representing the parameter name and a formula representing the parameter value.

    In the first case, the variable length data is a string of the form "ParameterName=ParameterValue". In this case, "Length" should be the number of bytes in this string, and "FormulaLength" should be zero.

    In the second case, the variable length data consists of a string representing the parameter name followed by a formula representing the parameter value. In this case, "Length" should be the number of bytes in the parameter name string, and "FormulaLength" should be the length of the formula.

    The fields in this record are:
      Length Length of string parameter or length of parameter name.
      FormulaLength Length of the formula, if any. If no formula is provided, 0.
      Reserved Reserved; must be 0.

    This record is followed first by the string, in LMBCS format with no NULL delimiter, then by the formula, if present.