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Data Type : Composite Data
CDDECSFIELD - Pertains to data connection resource information in a field or form.

#include <editods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
 WSIG Header;
 WORD Flags;
 WORD ExternalNameLength;
 WORD MetadataNameLength;
 WORD DCRNameLength;
 WORD Spare[8];

Description :

This CD Record gives information pertaining to data connection resource information in a field or form. The fields in this structure are:

    Header - Defines this composite data item as a CDDECSFIELD item.

    Flags - see FDECS_xxx

    ExternalNameLength - Length of external field name when external data source is used

    MetadataNameLength - Metadata object name length

    DCRNameLength - Data Connection Resource name length

    Spare[8] - Reserved for future use

    These fields may be followed by optional items. If you plan to use them, you will need to declare the variables and assign values to their lengths.

    Note that rich text fields are items of type TYPE_COMPOSITE. Therefore, API programs that run on non-Intel architecture platforms must perform host/canonical conversion on CD record structures such as this when accessing rich text item data in a note.

See Also : FDECS_xxx