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Data Type : Rich Text
CDFILEHEADER - Structure which defines a CSS header.

#include <editods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct{
 LSIG Header;  /* Signature and Length */
 WORD  FileExtLen;  /* Length of file extenstion */
 DWORD FileDataSize; /* Size (in bytes) of the file data */
 DWORD SegCount;  /* Number of CDFILESEGMENT records expected to follow */
 DWORD Flags;  /* Flags (currently unused) */
 DWORD Reserved;  /* Reserved for future use */
 /* Variable length string follows (not null terminated).
  This string is the file extension for the file. */

Description :

This structure is used to define a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) that is part of a Domino database. CDFILESEGMENT structure(s) follow the CDFILEHEADER.

    The fields in this structure are:

    Header - Defines this composite data item as a CDFILEHEADER item.

    FileExtLen - Length of file extension

    FileDataSize - Size (in bytes) of the file data

    SegCount - Number of CDFILESEGMENT records expected to follow

    Flags - Flags (currently unused)

    Reserved - Reserved for future use

    A non-null terminated variable length string follows. This string is the file extension for the file. For example: "css".

    Note that rich text fields are items of type TYPE_COMPOSITE. Therefore, API programs that run on non-Intel architecture platforms must perform host/canonical conversion on CD record structures such as this when accessing rich text item data in a note.