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Data Type : Composite Data
CDFONTTABLE - Used in creating a font table.

#include <editods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
 WSIG Header; /* Tag and length */
 WORD Fonts; /* Number of CDFACEs following */
} CDFONTTABLE;  /* Now come the CDFACE records... */

Description :

This defines part of the structure of a font table item in a note. A font table item in a note allows rich text in the note to be displayed using fonts other than those defined in FONT_FACE_xxx.

Font table items are items with name $Fonts (ITEM_NAME_FONTS) and data type TYPE_COMPOSITE. A font table consists of a CDFONTTABLE structure followed by any number of CDFACE structures.

Note that font tables are items of type TYPE_COMPOSITE. Therefore, API programs that run on non-Intel architecture platforms must perform host/canonical conversion on CDFONTTABLE and CDFACE structures when accessing these records in a font table item in a note.

Header Tag identifying this as a CDFONTTABLE record
Fonts Number of CDFACE records following this header record

Sample Usage :

typedef struct {
   WSIG  Header;           /* Tag and length */
   WORD  Fonts;            /* Number of CDFACEs following */
} CDFONTTABLE;             /* Now come the CDFACE records... */

See Also : CDFACE