Data Type : Composite Data
CDIDNAME - Defines an HTML ID.
#include <editods.h>
Definition :
typedef struct {
WSIG Header; /* Signature and length of this record */
WORD Length; /* Length of ID */
WORD wClassLen; /* Length of CLASS */
WORD wStyleLen; /* Length of STYLE */
WORD wTitleLen; /* Length of TITLE */
WORD wExtraLen; /* Length of extra attribute/value pairs */
WORD wNameLen; /* Length of NAME */
BYTE reserved[10];
/* id follows */
/* class follows */
/* style follows */
/* title follows */
/* extra attrib/value pairs of object follows */
/* name follows */
Description :
This CD record describes the HTML field properties, ID, Class, Style, Title, Other and Name associated for any given field defined within a Domino Form.