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Data Type : Composite Data
CDOLEBEGIN - Specifies the start of an OLE Object

#include <editods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
   WSIG Header;  /* Signature and length of this record */
   WORD Version;  /* Notes OLE implementation version */
   DWORD Flags;  /* See OLEREC_FLAG_xxx */
   WORD ClipFormat;       /* Clipboard format with which data should 
                              be rendered (see DDEFORMAT_xxx) */
   WORD AttachNameLength;  /* Attached file name length */
   WORD ClassNameLength;   /* Length of readable OLE class name */
   WORD TemplateNameLength; /* User during Insert New Object, 
                               but never saved to disk */
/* The Attachment Name (len=AttachNameLength) always follows... */
/* The Classname (optional) then follows... */
/* The Template Name (optional) then follows... */

Description :

This structure specifies the start of an OLE Object.

Note that rich text fields are items of type TYPE_COMPOSITE. Therefore, API programs that run on non-Intel architecture platforms must perform host/canonical conversion on CD record structures such as this when accessing rich text item data in a note.

Header: Defines this composite data item as a CDOLEBEGIN item.
Version: Notes OLE implementation version. Set this to NOTES_OLEVERSION.
Flags: Defines various attributes of the OLE object. See OLEREC_FLAG_xxx.
ClipFormat: Clipboard format with which to render data. See DDEFORMAT_xxx.
AttachNameLength: Filename length (without the '\0' terminator) of the attached OLE object file.
ClassNameLength: (Optional) Length of the object's readable OLE class name.
TemplateNameLength: (Optional) Length of the object's template class name.

The above fields are then followed by a series of zero or more packed strings, corresponding to the "length" parameters listed above. These packed strings must appear in the same order as the "length" parameters.