Data Type : Composite Data
CDPMMETAHEADER - Start of a Presentation Manager GPI Metafile Record
#include <editods.h>
Definition :
typedef struct {
LSIG Header; /* Signature and Length */
SWORD mm; /* PM mapping mode */
SWORD xExt,yExt; /* Extents, in world coordinates */
RECTSIZE OriginalDisplaySize; /* Original disp. size, in twips */
DWORD MetafileSize; /* Total size of metafile, in bytes */
WORD SegCount; /* Number of CDPMMETASEG records */
/* Metafile segments follow... */
Description :
Identifies a Presentation Manger GPI metafile embedded in a rich text field. This record must be preceded by a CDGRAPHIC record. Since metafiles can be large, but Domino and Notes have an internal limit of 65,536 bytes (64kB) for a segment, a metafile may be divided into segments of up to 64kB; each segment must be preceded by a CDPMMETASEG record.
Header Tag identifying this as a CDPMMETAHEADER record
mm PM mapping mode
xExt Width of drawing in world coordinates
yExt Height of drawing in world coordinates
OriginalDisplaySize Original display size of metafile,
measured in "twips" (1/1440 inch)
MetafileSize Total size of metafile data in bytes
SegCount Number of CDPMMETASEG records
This header is followed by the segments of metafile data.