Data Type : XML
DXL_EXPORT_PROPERTY - DXL export property values
#include <xml.h>
Definition :
typedef enum
/* non-boolean export properties */
eDxlExportResultLog=1, /* MEMHANDLE, Readonly - the result log from
the last export. */
eDefaultDoctypeSYSTEM=2, /* MEMHANDLE, Readonly - filename of
dtd/schema keyed to current version of exporter */
eDoctypeSYSTEM=3, /* char*(i)/MEMHANDLE(o), What to use for the
DOCTYPE SYSTEM value (if emitted) */
/* NULL or "" = DOCTYPE should contain no SYSTEM info */
/* "filename" = filename of dtd or schema used as DOCTYPE
SYSTEM value */
eDXLBannerComments=4, /* char*(i)/MEMHANDLE(o), One or more XML
comments to output at top of the DXL */
/* NULL or "" = no dxl banner comments */
/* "whatever" = zero or more nul-terminated strings capped
by extra empty string */
eDxlExportCharset=5, /* DXL_EXPORT_CHARSET, Specifies output charset.
eDxlRichtextOption=6, /* DXL_RICHTEXT_OPTION, Specifies rule for
exporting richtext. */
eDxlExportResultLogComment=7, /* char*(i)/MEMHANDLE(o), LMBCS string to
be added as comment to top of result log */
eDxlValidationStyle=8, /* DXL_EXPORT_VALIDATION_STYLE, Specifies style
of validation info emitted by exporter */
/* Can override other settings, eg - eOutputDOCTYPE */
eDxlDefaultSchemaLocation=9, /* MEMHANDLE, Readonly - default
xsi:SchemaLocation attribute value for current DXL version */
eDxlSchemaLocation=10, /* char*(i)/MEMHANDLE(o), LMBCS value of
xsi:SchemaLocation attribute put into DXL root element */
eDxlMimeOption=11, /* DXL_MIME_OPTION, Specifies rule for exporting
native MIME. */
eAttachmentOmittedText=12, /* char*(i)/MEMHANDLE(o), Text to insert
within richtext where an attachmentref */
/* was omitted; may contain XML markup but must be valid */
/* DXL richtext content */
eOLEObjectOmittedText=13, /* char*(i)/MEMHANDLE(o), Text to insert
within richtext where an objectref */
/* was omitted; may contain XML markup but must be valid */
/* DXL richtext content */
ePictureOmittedText=14, /* char*(i)/MEMHANDLE(o), Text to insert within
richtext where a picture */
/* was omitted; may contain XML markup but must be valid */
/* DXL richtext content */
eOmitItemNames=15, /* HANDLE of list List of item names to omit from
DXL. Use Listxxx */
/* functions to build list (use fPrefixDataType=FALSE) */
/* (i)API makes a copy of list thus does not adopt HANDLE */
/* (o)API returns copy of list thus caller must free */
eRestrictToItemNames=16, /* HANDLE of list List of item names; only
items with one of these names */
/* will be included in the output DXL. Use Listxxx */
/* functions to build list (use fPrefixDataType=FALSE) */
/* (i)API makes a copy of list thus does not adopt HANDLE */
/* (o)API returns copy of list thus caller must free */
/* boolean properties (gap allows for future definitions of other
non-boolean export properties) */
eForceNoteFormat=30, /* BOOL, TRUE = Export data as notes containing
items, FALSE = export using a high level of abstraction, */
eExitOnFirstFatalError=31, /* BOOL, TRUE = Abort on first fatal error,
FALSE = try to continue to export */
eOutputRootAttrs=32, /* BOOL, TRUE = Root needs xmlns, version, and
other common root attrs */
eOutputXmlDecl=33, /* BOOL, TRUE = Emit a leading xml declaration
statement (<?xml ...?>) */
eOutputDOCTYPE=34, /* BOOL, TRUE = Emit a DOCTYPE statement (can be
overridden by dDxlValidationStyle) */
eConvertNotesbitmapsToGIF=35, /* BOOL, TRUE = Convert Notesbitmaps
embedded in richtext to GIFs, FALSE = blob the Notesbitmap CD records */
eOmitRichtextAttachments=36,/* BOOL, TRUE = omit attachments within
documents: both the attachmentref */
/* within richtext and corresponding items that contain file
objects */
eOmitOLEObjects=37, /* BOOL, TRUE = omit OLE objects within
documents: both the objectref */
/* within richtext and corresponding items that contain file
objects */
eOmitMiscFileObjects=38, /* BOOL, TRUE = omit items within documents
that are not normal attachments */
/* (named $FILE) and that contain file objects */
eOmitPictures=39, /* BOOL, TRUE = omit pictures that occur directly
within document richtext and */
/* contain gif, jpeg, notesbitmap, or cgm--does not include picture
within */
/* attachmentref or imagemap */
eUncompressAttachments=40 /* BOOL, TRUE = uncompress attachments */
Description :
DXL_EXPORT_PROPERTY default values are set as follows:
Note: (i) = can input new value into the exporter.
(o) = can get current value out of exporter.
(io) = can do both.
eDxlExportResultLog = (o) NULLMEMHANDLE
eDefaultDoctypeSYSTEM = (o) default filename of dtd keyed to current version of DXL exporter."
eDoctypeSYSTEM = (io) filename of dtd keyed to current version of DXL exporter."
eDXLBannerComments = (io) NULLMEMHANDLE
eDxlExportCharset = (io) eDxlExportUtf8
eDxlRichtextOption = (io) eRichtextAsDxl
eDxlExportResultLogComment = (io) NULLMEMHANDLE
eForceNoteFormat = (io) FALSE
eExitOnFirstFatalError = (io) TRUE
eOutputRootAttrs = (io) TRUE
eOutputXmlDecl = (io) TRUE
eOutputDOCTYPE = (io) TRUE
eConvertNotesbitmapToGIF = (io) FALSE
eDxlValidationStyle = (io) eDxlExportValidationStyle_DTD"
eDxlDefaultSchemaLocation = (o) URI's of schema keyed to current version of DLX exporter."
eDxlSchemaLocation = (io) filename of XML Schema keyed to current version of DXL exporter."
See Also : DXLGetExporterProperty DXLSetExporterProperty DXL_EXPORT_CHARSET DXL_RICHTEXT_OPTION