Data Type : Item (Field) Information
ITEM_DEFINITION - Database Item Definition Table Entry
#include <nsfdb.h>
Definition :
typedef struct {
WORD Spare; /* unused */
WORD ItemType; /* default data type of the item */
WORD NameLength; /* length of the item's name */
Description :
The Item Definition Table for a database contains the definition for all the names and labels defined in a database. The Item Definition Table consists of a header, defined by the structure ITEM_DEFINITION_TABLE, an array of ITEM_DEFINITION entries (one for each item), and a packed character array (no delimiters or separators) of the names of all the items. The fields in the ITEM_DEFINITION structure are:
ItemType What this item represents - type codes are defined in nsfdata.h
NameLength Length of the item's name, in bytes
Sample Usage :
* GetItemDef
* Get the entry for an item in the ItemDefTable. You can
* access all the items in the table by passing an index of 0
* through tablePtr->Items - 1. The data returned consists of
* a pointer to the ITEM_DEFINITION and a pointer to the name
* string. Note that the name string is NOT null-terminated!
int GetItemDef (
ITEM_DEFINITION_TABLE far *tablePtr, /* In: table address */
int i, /* In: which entry */
ITEM_DEFINITION far * *itemPtrPtr, /* Out: address of item */
char far * *namePtrPtr /* Out: address of name */
) {
int j;
int nameOffset;
ITEM_DEFINITION far *curItemPtr;
char far *stringPtr;
/* Check table limits */
if ((0 > i) || (i >= tablePtr->Items))
return (-1);
/* Get the address of the first ITEM_DEFINITION */
curItemPtr = (ITEM_DEFINITION far *) (((char far *) tablePtr)
/* Get the address of the packed name strings array */
stringPtr = (char far *) (((char far *) tablePtr)
+ (tablePtr->Items * sizeof (ITEM_DEFINITION)));
/* Scan the table for the entry and name we need */
for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
stringPtr += curItemPtr->NameLength;
*itemPtrPtr = curItemPtr;
*namePtrPtr = stringPtr;
return (0);