Data Type : Views
IXCOLDESC - Specifies an entry in the column descriptor block set up by a view.
#include <ixview.h>
Definition :
typedef struct
FLAG Sort:1; /* Add column to sort */
FLAG SortCategorize:1; /* Make column a category */
FLAG SortPermute:1; /* Make column permuted if multi-valued. */
FLAG SortDescending:1; /* Sort in descending order (ascending if
FLAG Hidden:1; /* Normally hide column */
FLAG Response:1; /* Response column */
FLAG Selected:1; /* Column is selected */
FLAG HideDetail:1; /* Do not show detail on subtotalled columns */
FLAG Icon:1; /* Icon column. */
FLAG spare1:8; /* spare flags */
WORD ColumnTitleLength; /* Column title string length */
DHANDLE hColumnTitle; /* Column title string handle */
WORD ItemNameLength; /* Column item name string length */
DHANDLE hItemName; /* NSF Item name for column */
WORD FormulaLength; /* Formula buffer length */
FORMULAHANDLE hFormula; /* Formula buffer handle */
WORD ConstantValueLength; /* Constant value length */
DHANDLE hConstantValue; /* Constant value handle */
WORD ColumnWidth; /* Column width in characters */
WORD TextMax; /* Maximum text string size */
WORD Alignment; /* Column alignment */
NFMT NumberFormat; /* Number format specification */
TFMT TimeFormat; /* Time format specification */
WORD FormatDataType; /* Last specified format data type */
WORD ListSep; /* List Separator */
WORD SubtotalCode; /* Subtotalling code */
Description :
This structure specifies an entry in the column descriptor block set up by a view for imports/exports (one entry per view column). The structure, VIEWIXDATA, contains a handle to the column descriptor block.