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Data Type : IDs
ORIGINATORID - Uniquely identifies all replicas of the same note.

#include <nsfdata.h>

Definition :

typedef struct ORIGINATORID_tag {
 DBID          File;          
 TIMEDATE      Note;         
 DWORD         Sequence;
 TIMEDATE      SequenceTime;

Description :

The Originator ID (OID) for a note identifies all replica copies of the same note and distinguishes between different revisions of that note. The Originator ID is composed of two parts: (1) the Universal Note ID (UNID) and (2) the Sequence Number and Sequence Time.

The UNID (the first part of the OID) universally identifies all copies of the same note. If one note in one database has the same UNID as another note in a replica of that database, then the two notes are replica copies of each other. The Sequence Number and the Sequence Time, taken together, distinguish different revisions of the same note from one another.

The full Originator ID uniquely identifies one particular version of a note. A modified version of a replica copy of a particular note will have a different OID. This is because Domino or Notes increments the Sequence Number when a note is edited, and also sets the Sequence Time to the timedate when the Sequence Number was incremented. This means that when one replica copy of a note remains unchanged, but another copy is edited and modified, then the UNIDs of the 2 notes will remain the same but the Sequence Number and Sequence Times (hence, the OIDs) will be different.

The "File" member of the OID (and UNID), contains a number derived in different ways depending on the release of Domino or Notes. Pre- 2.1 versions of Notes set the "File" member to the creation timedate of the NSF file in which the note is created. Notes 2.1 sets the "File" member to a user-unique identifier, derived in part from information in the ID of the user creating the note, and in part from the database where the note is created. Notes 3.0 sets the "File" member to a random number generated at the time the note is created.

The "Note" member of the OID (and UNID), contains the date/time when the very first copy of the note was stored into the first NSF (Note: date/time from $CREATED item, if exists, takes precedence).

The "Sequence" member is a sequence number used to keep track of the most recent version of the note. The "SequenceTime" member is a sequence number qualifier, that allows the Domino replicator to determine which note is later given identical Sequence numbers. The sequence time qualifies the sequence number by preventing two concurrent updates from looking like no update at all. The sequence time also forces all Domino systems to reach the same decision as to which update is the "latest" version. The sequence time is the value that is returned to the @Modified formula and indicates when the document was last edited and saved.

API programs may obtain the Originator ID from the handle of an existing, open note by specifying the _NOTE_OID member ID in the NSFNoteGetInfo function. See the example below. API programs may also obtain the OID for a note given the Note ID by using the NSFDbGetNoteInfo function. If you need to make an existing note appear to be a totally new note, the NSFDbGenerateOID function can be used to generate a new OID.

Sample Usage :


     * Get the OID from the note AFTER it has been updated

    NSFNoteGetInfo (hNote, _NOTE_OID, &NoteOID);