Data Type : User Registration
REG_MAIL_INFO - Structure that defines User Registration Mail Creation Information.
#include <reg.h>
Definition :
typedef struct {
WORD MailSystem;
WORD MailOwnerAccess;
DWORD DbQuotaSizeLimit;
DWORD DbQuotaWarningThreshold;
char * pMailServerName;
char * pMailFileName;
char * pMailTemplateName;
char * pMailForwardAddress;
char * pMailACLManager;
DWORD Spare[4];
Description :
This structure is used for creating a user's mail file with the REGNewUser function.
The fields in the structure are:
MailSystem defines the type of mail system.
MailOwnerAccess mail owner's ACL priviledges (see REG_MAIL_OWNER_xxx).
DbQuotaSizeLimit mail file's size limit.
DbQuotaWarningThreshold mail file's warning threshold size.
pMailServerName name of server the user's mail file will reside on.
pMailFileName path name of user's mail file.
pMailTemplateName name of mail template
pMailForwardAddress forwarding address of a Domino domain or foreign mail gateway.
pMailACLManager ACL Manager's name.
See Also : REGNewUser REG_MAIL_OWNER_ACL_xxx