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Data Type : RFC822
RFC822ITEMDESC - TYPE_822_TEXT item RFC822 header information.

#include <mimeods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
 WORD wVersion;  /* ODSSizeof this structure for versioning */
 DWORD dwFlags;  /* TYPE_822_TEXT flags.  The first three bits
        are reserved for the format mask,the remaining bits are flags */
 WORD wNotesNativeLen; /* Length of the Notes version which is either
        a LMBCS string or a TIMEDATE. */
 WORD w822NameLen; /* Length of the original 822 header name */
 WORD w822DelimLen; /* Length of the original 822 header delimiter */
    WORD w822BodyLen; /* Length of the original 822 header body in
        it's native charset and encoding (RFC2047) */

Description :

The RFC822ITEMDESC structure stores the message header for items of TYPE_RFC822_TEXT. The fields in this structure are:

    wVersion ODSSizeof this structure for versioning.
    dwFlags TYPE_822_TEXT flags. The first three bits are reserved for the format mask, the remaining bits are flags (See RFC822_xxx).
    wNotesNativeLen Length of the Notes version which is either a LMBCS string or a TIMEDATE.
    w822NameLen Length of the original 822 header name.
    w822DelimLen Length of the original 822 header delimiter.
    w822BodyLen Length of the original 822 header body in it's native charset and encoding (RFC2047).

See Also : RFC822_xxx