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Data Type : DSAPI
RequestMethod - DSAPI Incoming HTTP request

#include <dsapi.h>

Definition :

typedef enum {
    kRequestNone = 0,
 kRequestHEAD = 1,
 kRequestGET = 2,
 kRequestPOST = 3,
 kRequestPUT = 4,
 kRequestDELETE = 5,
 kRequestTRACE = 6,
 kRequestCONNECT = 7,
 kRequestOPTIONS = 8,
 kRequestUNKNOWN = 9,
 kRequestBAD = 10
} RequestMethod;

Description :

This structure defines the supported HTTP Request Methods within a FilterRequest.

    kRequestNone - No HTTP request method is provided.
    kRequestHEAD - method is often used for testing hypertext links for validity, accessibility, and recent modification
    kRequestGET - GET method - used to retrieve whatever information (in the form of an entity) is identified by the Request-URL
    kRequestPOST - POST method - requests that the origin server accept the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource identified by the Request-URL in the Request-Line
    kRequestPUT - PUT method - requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the supplied Request-URL
    kRequestDELETE - DELETE method - requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URL
    kRequestTRACE - TRACE method
    kRequestCONNECT - CONNECT method
    kRequestOPTIONS - OPTIONS method
    kRequestUNKNOWN - Unknown request method.
    kRequestBAD - Bad request method. Error.

See Also : FilterRequest