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Data Type : Navigators
VIEWMAP_ACTION_RECORD - Navigator action CD record.

#include <vmods.h>

Definition :

typedef struct {
   WSIG     Header;
   WORD     bHighlightTouch;
   WORD     bHighlightCurrent;
   WORD     HLOutlineColor;
   WORD     HLFillColor;
   WORD     ClickAction;
   WORD     ActionStringLen;
   WORD     HLOutlineWidth;
   WORD     HLOutlineStyle;
   NOTELINK LinkInfo;
   WORD     ExtDataLen; /* length of extended action data, */
                        /* e.g. compiled script */
   WORD     ActionDataDesignType; /* design type for the named
                                     folder or view named in the
                                     ActionString */
   DWORD    spare[2];   /* reserved for future use */
     /* Followed by Action Name string */

Description :

Identifies an action to be performed from a Navigator. This record is stored in items of type TYPE_VIEWMAP_LAYOUT, the graphical layout of the Navigator, and are paired with Navigator graphic CD records. The fields in this structure are:

      Header Defines this composite data item as a VIEWMAP_ACTION_RECORD item.
      bHighlightTouch If TRUE: Highlight when touched.
      bHighlightCurrent If TRUE: Highlight when clicked.
      HLOutlineColor Color for are outline. Use NOTES_COLOR_xxx value.
      HLFillColor Fill color for area. Use NOTES_COLOR_xxx value.
      ClickAction Action to perform; must be a VM_ACTION_xxx value.
      ActionStringLen Length of the name of the action to perform, or 0 if not applicable; used by VM_ACTION_SWITCH_VIEW, VM_ACTION_SWITCHNAV, and VM_ACTION_ALIAS_FOLDER values.
      HLOutlineWidth Line width of area outline.
      HLOutlineStyle Style of area outline. Use VM_LINE_xxx value.
      LinkInfo If a note is associated with this action, a link to that note is stored in this field, or 0 if not applicable; used by VM_ACTION_GOTO_LINK ClickAction value. See NOTELINK.
      ExtDataLen Length of extended action data, or 0 if not applicable; used by VM_ACTION_RUNFORMULA and VM_ACTION_RUNSCRIPT values.
      ActionDataDesignType Design type for the object named in the Action String, or 0 if not applicable; used by VM_ACTION_SWITCH_VIEW, VM_ACTION_SWITCHNAV, and VM_ACTION_ALIAS_FOLDER values. Use DESIGN_TYPE_xxx value.
      spare Reserved; must be 0.
    This record is followed by the string containing the name of the action to be performed (if any).